Tuesday, March 29, 2005


There is no better time of the year than springtime.

God greets us each morning with something new that He's made. A budding tree, a rain shower, flowering bushes and skittering squirrels...blue skies that were missing for months are found again. Spring gets me all poetic.

I hate being cold. Hate it. The temperature of spring is almost perfect. Even rainy days have some warmth to them. And when the sun is out it's heaven.

Easter vacation always comes at just the right time. When the school year has me worn down, there is just enough time for rejuvenation to convince me that I'll make it through the rest of the way. And the celebration of Easter itself puts my spirit right.

And then there's baseball. The promise of a new season. The expectation of watching my favorite game again and knowing--KNOWING--that the Angels will win it all. Of course, Brewers fans feel the same way this time of year. Don't let anybody fool you; the "boys of summer" are really the boys of spring.

This is from Walden: "As every season seems best to us in its turn, so the coming in of spring is like the creation of Cosmos out of Chaos and the realization of the Golden Age."

Spring is like a visit from a good friend that has been away. There's nothing better.


At 1:38 PM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

All I have to say is you must be very important, Steve, to have Randy not only read, but comment on your blog! He ignores me! :)


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