Monday, March 21, 2005

A Pleasant Aroma

Yesterday's "Friend's Day" service had a few glitches. Okay, about 9 or 10. We started late, a video wasn't working, a baptism didn't happen, a song or two got messed up, a mike was on too loud and everyone jumped, I got up too early for the welcome, and the list goes on. I LOVED IT! Doug talked in his lesson about authenticity and we were authentic yesterday. The best part of it was that nobody reacted negatively to these things...they just happened! And God was worshipped and praised even in the imperfection.

Doug sent me a great note about two schools of thought in regards to worship. One says that it should just be us being us, authentic as can be. The other says it should be a pleasing aroma to God, perfectly planned and carried out, everybody giving their best. I know that we humans are never going to be perfect but I think both of these concepts have truth to them. Yesterday we were ALL giving our best. And I think that's what people saw. I know it's what God saw.

It got me thinking about the aroma we at College send up to God. I bought one of those vanilla car scents one time because I love the smell of vanilla. I really enjoyed it for about a week or so. And then I was pretty much done with vanilla. I think the C of C spent quite a few decades sending up a vanilla scent...many still do. I'm so glad that we mix it up more now. I know that sometimes we have a scent that is objectionable to some. I love the smell of gasoline at the pump and others hate it. But I don't think we EVER smell like fertilizer. I think we have days of cinnamon and days of cut grass. Days of baking bread and days of perfume. I think we smell like apple pie and spice and sugar cookies and rainy days. It's always different. And it's always good.

The best smell in the world to me is the inside of a brand new book. The worst thing I've ever smelled is death. College has never smelled more alive.


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