Monday, December 11, 2006


I'm thinking ahead.

I asked for a break from preaching for the final month or so of the year. I needed the time to refuel, to focus on other tasks, and to give my family a break from the time away from them that preaching causes. I have also not taken on any teaching assignments for the past few months. Whenever I go this long without teaching the Bible the same thing happens. I get very, very anxious to start teaching again.

For the past few months, I have been wondering what I would be teaching next. My well was dry and I found little interest in anything. All that changed last week. I was drawn to a passage in Philippians (3: 30-21 for those of you scoring at home) that piqued my interest in this letter. I taught it a decade ago...what would it look like to me now? A couple of days later, I was reading through the "Prayer Grammar" chapter in Yancey's book. By the end of it, I wanted to spend a year teaching about prayer. Between working through some of the thoughts from the book...studying all of Paul's prayers in detail...examining the 14 prayers from both testaments (on page 178) and putting them in context...and leading discussions on individual methods of prayers and the varying perspective of them all...I figured a year might not be enough time. I long to get back into the Old Testament, yet I have been yearning lately to teach the words of Jesus. When God gets you going, it never rains, it pours.

I'm also excited about some of the messages I'll get to give from the pulpit next year. We are already discussing a series on the Parable of the Talents, a focus on missionality, and a "What If?" lesson for January that will probably leap from the pages of Lee Camp's "Mere Discipleship." I can't wait to see what God has in store for the College Church in 2007.

We all go through spiritual highs and lows. Lately I have been talking God's ear off. I was waiting to meet a friend for dinner last week when he called to say he would be about 20 minutes late. I was so grateful! I had more to pray about and had been checking the clock, feeling rushed. After the phone call I felt so relieved to have more time. It seems that I am quick to complain about those times I feel separated from God, speaking to empty air. It's only fair I rejoice about a period of constantly feeling His presence.

I pray that this season and all of next year finds you steeped in the presence of God. I pray that your church grows in numbers and maturity. That God uses you in exciting ways and that you are unable to keep quiet about it. I pray for your health and your happiness. I pray that you feel the loving arms of your Lord around you the whole year round. I pray that you know His direction for you and are excited to follow His will. And I pray that you know that you are important, that you are useful, that you are an example, that you are an ambassador of God Himself. I pray that those who come into contact with you will realize that God is still here on earth, wrapped in the flesh of men.


At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it the same, almost, to SING to God all the time instead of talk him to death? I'm not as good as you are with this "talking/praying" thing, although I dO pray. Your need to return to the teaching aspect is lot like my going crazy from being away from work for 3 months, Which is where I come in contact with some amazingly spiritual people with whom I can share my faith, both patients and staff, and I try to be perceptive enough to know when a patient needs more than just someone asking the same questions from 6 other people! In crisis, in stress,in fear,they need to pray. Often they just need a slight nudge or to use me as a catalyst to start this use me as a listener...does that count? Especially the singing...

But I am desperate for ALL those prayers you have for us...I hold you in wonder and awe...mainly because you listed every prayer I need right now.

We don't LIKE being without your amazing lessons, and not hearing the depth of your faith through your sermons. But, I know you need to be revived and rejuvanated and to set your priorities. Just don't stop the blog, please.

Now I've gotta go check the "other blog"...I hear it is quite entertaining.

Renew thyself, Steve, to continually become better and better according to God's grace and wisdom. I remember something Doug said once, "Learn to dance with giants!" Rick then wrote me a note saying, "You learn to take bigger steps!!"

I love reading Richard Foster's book "Prayer - Finding the Heart's
true Home"

Love ya, my brother...

At 8:44 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

We all need those times when we need to step a little away (see, it's hard for me to do it) to get a fresh perspective and to be quiet enough to allow God to talk and lead us. Your post encouraged me my Math Brother.

May God bless you and the College Church. I wish I could hang out with you guys in Jan. at Zoe. Perhaps we'll connect at Pepperdine?

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Matt said...

I appreciate your post. I am starting a series of lessons for our LIFE groups on prayer this January. I would love to bounce some ideas, bibliographies, etc off of you some time.


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