Friday, November 17, 2006

My Cat Is a Mime

First things first. If you haven't shared any personal experiences in response to yesterday's post, would you skip down there and leave a comment? I'm very interested in when God has been REAL to you.

We have a cat named Tabby. Tabby used to belong to our next door neighbor and then they got a humongo dog. That forced Tabby outside and, eventually, to our house. When our neighbors moved away they asked if we wanted to keep Tabby and we asked them why we wouldn't want to keep our own gol-durned cat! She had already become part of the family and (I'm sure this will warm Judy's heart) we love her very much.

Tabby likes to eat. In the morning if her bowl isn't full, she goes through a little routine. It mostly consists of rubbing up against me and then running to her bowl. When I'm in the shower, she stares at me. Just stares. Occasionally, she'll look over at her bowl and then back at me. One morning she jumped up on the tub by the shower, looked at me until I looked back, then jumped down to her bowl and then up to the food tin. Then back to me again. I have a feeling that if Tabby had opposable thumbs she would sign, "FEED ME, DUFUS" every morning.

Tabby is slightly deranged. Every night she will spend about 10 minutes dashing madly from room to room and then coming to a screeching halt. We call this period of the evening "getting her crazies out." If she can mix in a toy mouse to this proceeding she is in kitty heaven.

Tabby thinks she is a lapdog. She loves curling up next to us. She will also often lay down in front of us and roll over on her back, inviting a tummy rub. This will make her content for long periods of time until you try to stop and then she will grab your hand with both paws and pull it back. She usually sleeps on either our bed or James' and especially loves it if you are sleeping in that "on your stomach with one leg pulled up" position, because she nestles in the triangle created between your legs and is out like a light. All well and good until you want to turn over. Tabby is not light.

Some day I will be a responsible blogger and post pictures of Tabby.


At 11:23 AM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

You could always rip off the picture of Asher on my blog - James thought he was Tabby. :)

You make me really miss my cat. Asher was a master of the evening crazies. He'd run full-speed into the kitchen and slide until he'd hit the wall. We're hoping to buy a house in the spring, and to get another cat or two to make it a home.

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

Tabby scares me...

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least she's not a one-eyed pirate cat anymore! Arrgghh!


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