Sunday, November 12, 2006


Attendance at College has been down for the last couple of months and I'm depressed about it.

I would say that these things are cyclical, except that College has shown a fairly steady decrese, albeit a slow one, over the past 8 or 9 years. We are dwindling. And I'm not sure what to do about it.

Of course I give it over in prayer...on a daily basis. But this is my family, my home, and I hate to see people go. I have always been one to say that folks should go where they are happy, so long as they GO. But we aren't even reaching 250 on a regular Sunday and this is a place that used to have 700 or more. It's also hard, as a speaker and a Worship Committee-er, not to take it a little personally. I can't help but ask, "What could I be doing different? What could I be doing better?"

Maybe hiring a preacher would help. Maybe not.
Maybe focusing on study more would help. Maybe not.
Maybe we need an event. Maybe we need more outreach. Maybe we need more faith.
Maybe I should just be patient.
Maybe God is teaching us a lesson.

I don't know. I have tremendous love for the people still there. But there is a persistent feeling of floundering. The Israelites wandered for 40 years. Is that what is in store for us? And at what point do we have to just turn off the lights?

My prayer, and it's a confident one, is NEVER. That we will not just survive, but we will thrive. And that we will come out the other side strong and faithful. People will come to know Christ through us and people will learn to love and follow him through our example.

For today, that is my single prayer.


At 3:06 AM, Blogger Brady said...

I will pray about this too.

At 7:37 AM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

I remember a time when we wondered if this was the last Sunday we could financially keep the doors open. Attendance (numbers) was worse at that time...and to top it off, our hearts were sad and dark. It was a very ugly time there.

I don't sense that at all now. It's alive, thriving, working, loving, reaching out, full of worship and prayer. I don't think we're in a dark place. People are God focused and dedicated to ministry of the Kingdom.

Cheer up my brother!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Churches, people, and attendance can be such a fickle thing. We too have experienced times of inflating and deflating numbers. All you can do is stay close to God and pray that what you’re doing is bless by Him.

I think of the church in Acts. How many chapters did it take for the church to go from explosive growth to imploding fear and deceit and all the while Jesus is on His Throne.

I’d go with Sandra’s wise counsel as well. Hang in there my Math Brother.

At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, remember when College church seemed to be in the throes of "depression"...I don't feel that way now. Our numbers may be smaller, but I see a quality of faith now that is so strong. It's all part of being a "grace-centered" family of God. That has been a courageous direction to take. (Remember, Jesus started out with only 12!) It's "quality", not "quantity" that counts. Our membership has "changed" perhaps...maybe we are in a transitional stage, number-wise. But...look at all those CHILDREN! This is what impresses me!
Don't despair, my brother...I will pray about this as well...for all of us.

At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Second thought...

You, my left-brained math brother, are very much into "numbers"...
I'd rather be in a group of our "250" than in any mega-church in the world. At least at College, everybody (well, almost everybody) knows my name.

At 2:34 AM, Blogger Mayor of Blakersfield said...

I am sad about this too. I noticed the other day, when Doug went to the back of the church to talk about someone, how empty the rows were behind me.

This has been my feeling on the issue. I am not sure if we are a city on a hill. I know Doug has talked about being in a fishbowl and how everyone is watching you. While that is true, I am not sure if the College church is in that bowl. I fear that we have become strangers to the people of Fresno. We are even strangers to other Christians. I do things with Fresno State's InterVarsity and Campus Crusade for Christ. When other Christians from one of these group ask me where I go to church, I tell them, but they usually never heard of College Church of Christ before. There is a girl at IV that goes to a Church of Christ in Fresno, that is not College, and she was not familiar with us before she met me.

I am also not sure if non-Christians know that this is a place they can come to and seek refuge. People are touched by acts of love and kindness and remember them too. I am not sure what we should do exactly. I am still praying about that one, but I feel like the College Church of Christ needs to make themselves known to both Christians and non-Christians, but in a manner driven by God.

Don't mourn too long over what could of been and what it use to be because there is a whole world out there wondering who we are.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Root's Ramblings said...

Hi Steve, Long-Time-No-Talk-To. I found you through Wendy Powers' site. I saw this blog and felt compelled to share my thoughts.
As most has said, I also hold College very close to my heart... after all, I was married there 11 years ago. We all go through changes in numbers, and I believe that pews may not be full, the long-time warriers there at College are confident in God's work being done in that church.
As another blogger said, look toward the children of the congregation. They are the future church leaders! I visited the Christmas show last December and saw a few familiar faces. No matter how big or small College gets, knowing its family and teaching them the Way is most precious.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Root's Ramblings said...

Part 2:
During my years at College, we did a lot of outreach. Working at Fresno State, I can say that campus could use A LOT MORE! Think outside of the building and show others the foregiving love of Christ. From my experiences, that's where many church's lack.
Many blessings to you, my brother-in-Christ, and I pray that God will bless you, and the church body, with the confidence of knowing that you are going about Our Father's Work, in spite of filling the seats.
Much love,


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