Friday, December 08, 2006

The Season Marches On


I am, of course, referring to James' school musical. To recap, in his first performance two years ago, James cried from start to finish. Just bawled. Stood there...didn't run off the stage...but just dripped tears. To our credit, we sat there and watched him, but it was no fun. Since then, he has stood in his place without crying, but without participating either. Mostly he has just stood there, looking around, watching his friends do all the moves and sing all the words.

This time was bound to be different. He was excited about it. He sang for Lisa and I and showed us all the hand motions. He called me on Wednesday to tell me how much he couldn't wait for the musical. He put on his new red shirt and black pants and jumped up and down on the bed before we left. He ran to join all his friends in their classroom to get ready.

And then the moment came. He marched in, found his place, blew kisses to his mommy and daddy, waved to me as I recorded his every move on videotape. And when the first song began, he looked out at the audience, opened his mouth wide...and stuck out his tongue. He then spent the better part of three songs mugging for the camera, patting his head, chatting with his friends, and generally laughing and having a good time. There was very little singing, a few bars here and there when fancy struck, but there was no crying either. He, at least, was having a great time. And judging from the reaction of the hundreds of people in attendance, he wasn't alone.

As Lisa doesn't have a silly bone in her body, I take all the blame for this. I try to deny it, but like the double-amputee who tried to sue the hospital for removing the wrong limb first, I don't have a leg to stand on. From Lisa he got his good looks. From me he got his silly.

I'm so darn proud.


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

Ah, videos to bring out on prom night. Classic. What a nut.

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I had only had a video camera for Wendy's "Sweet Sounds" performances. I'd have to buy a new VCR to replace my broken one!!!

James is precious...if you keep encouraging him now, he will grow up to be a famous performer or even a comedian and then he can make LOTS of moola and support you and Lisa!!

At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgot to say...he'll probably use a lot of material about you!!

At 10:45 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Way to go James! Is "silly" a spiritual gift? I hope so because I believed I've passed it on as well.

Treasure these times Math Bro as I know you will.


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