Wednesday, February 20, 2008


There are a lot of things rolling around in my head lately.

Revamps to the Adult Education Ministry at College. Actually, no such ministry has existed for many years, so "revamp" is the wrong word.

Seminary search.

My job. Teaching. Education in general. And, in specific, the WILD tech training I find myself currently enduring.

Upcoming Emmaus stuff.

Spring Training. This occupies an entire quadrant of my brain. I include in this quadrant all fantasy baseball related thinking.

Preaching curriculum.


As a confirmed NON-multitasker (SINGLEtasker?), I can only focus on one thing at a time, and I'm perfectly willing to admit that the baseball quadrant occupies too much of my consciousness. But today I would rather chuck ALL of that and just focus on my wonderful wife.

Lisa never ceases to amaze me. She is SO smart. She is incredibly gifted and so good at all of her jobs. She is such an example to me of how to treat people, how to love people. She is so supportive of me and my scattered thinking, to the extent of doing a LOT of things she would rather not do. She loves God and models that love to our son. She is a wonderful friend (to many) and my favorite person to spend time with. Yes, even more than Kevin, honey.

She is beautiful. She is sweet. She is fun. She is funny (and that has taken some work, believe me). She is the perfect partner and the love of my life.

So mushy.

I love you, baby. Happy birthday.


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Meowmix said...

Happy Birthday, Lisa!

Steve, she's all those things because of being born in February! We're all sweet. :)

At 4:22 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Yes, Joyeux Anniversaire, Lisa.

And many, many more.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Good choice!

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

A birthday and still just a youngster!

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, to be 32 again...with my "um-hum" age of experience! Hopefully, if I had a 2nd chance, I'd have returned to GOD a lot sooner than I did!

Lisa, you are wise beyond your years...and you are doing it "right"...and your light is NOT under a glows for all to see. God loves you...and so do we.
Happy Birthday, my dear...may you have 64 more!!

(Aces 4, Las vegas Wranglers 3. OT & SO) It's 2-0 thus far in more to go tomorrow nite) Spring=Stanley Cup re-opened!!

At 4:26 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Happy belated birthday to Lisa from the right coast.


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