Friday, January 05, 2007

You're All In The Sermon!

This preaching stuff is easy. I finally figured it out. Just ask a question and let wiser people answer, thus providing you with all you need for a Grade-A sermon!

Thanks to everyone who answered the "What if" question. I really am sharing your thoughts (anonymously with a couple of agreed-upon exceptions) with the group this Sunday. I asked it of several other people in person as well. The interesting thing was how quickly everyone was able to come up with one or several answers. It tells me that we are all thinking in terms of the Kingdom and that excites me very much. The perspectives were different, depending on where people are in their study and in their walk. But every single person was genuinely concerned with making the church better.

The other thing I asked people to do for me this week was to share a story of a time they were able to help someone, someone helped them, or they knew of someone helping someone else. I don't want to present this lesson only in terms of what we need to do, but also in terms of what is being done. I want to bring some acts of service and generosity out in the light, to give the right hand just a hint of what the left hand is doing. Hopefully, this will encourage people, motivate them, and show how God's love is already being spread in a huge variety of ways. If you would like to share such a story here, that would be great.

See there? Just ask a couple of questions, throw in a few pertinent scriptures, rinse, lather, repeat and BAM! Out pops a sermon. The best part is, if people hate it, I can blame it on you!


At 6:56 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Let the people speak, and let the Lord take the credit.

Do a good job.

At 1:21 PM, Blogger twinmommy said...

One of the most powerful times that people helped me and my husband was when I was placed on bed rest after only 10 weeks of pregnancy. My husband was in Seattle job hunting, and I was in Southern California teaching. Our church family wrapped their arms around me, brought me meals, Wendy took me to the doctor that morning, and people even came over to our place and did laundry. Rick came and played cribbage with me to help keep me from going stir crazy. The Church is the people, and people want to be loving. This has made me much more eager to help when I see the opportunity. We had a wonderful outcome of the pregnancy, two healthy boys who are now verrrrry two!

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Carolanne said...

Where is Cope's blogsite? :)
If it's all the same with you, hope you don't mind that I added your blogsite as a link to blogs I read... I figured I should update it and let my people know. LOL

At 9:56 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

methodology? I think we would see a turn towards how each of us can fulfill a missional purpose in this world and less anguish over getting our way in church.

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need MORE sermons like the one you gave last week! It gets to the "heart of the matter". It's the sharing of experiences that provides so much influence in our lives. And it is these stories that seem to happen between isolated individuals...and God...that no one else will know about which make up what Christianity is all about. No one tells one boasts about them...they are all part and parcel about ones "Intentional Walk". I can really identify with being the "giver" vs. being the "receiver". It's SO hard to be on the receiving end. As my lovely daughter told me once, "Mom, the giver AND the receiver are blessed". It certainly teaches one to be humble.


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