Monday, January 08, 2007

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand We're Back

Given the choice between taking two weeks off and taking three weeks off, I have decided that I would rather take three weeks off. My main reason for this is that it's one week longer.

Still, given how much I love my job and the fact that I have such great kids this year, coming back wasn't all that bad. However, waking up at 6:00 was, and will always be, a bummer.

Upon arriving at work, I quickly found that the smart classroom is not working. I spent about half an hour trying to get it going before giving up. I pulled my laptop out and tried to fire it up, but it wasn't working either. I finally got it going after about 45 minutes, but there are no assurances that, once I turn it off, it will ever turn off again. So the rest of this week, things will probably be old school around here. Back to attendance by hand and writing on the board. Hey, I did the former for over ten years and the latter for almost twenty. So I'm pretty sure I can handle it for a while. Until things get fixed, we'll party like it's 1999.

As Roseanne Rosannadanna once said, "If it's not one thing, it's another."


At 9:13 PM, Blogger Carolanne said...

The 'smart classroom'??!! Whatever that is, I don't have it - I still have to mark my roll by hand and put things on the board or photocopy sheets.
At least you have a good class - I think that makes up for all the technological hitches you might come across!

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Glad you're back. Make sure you wash the chalk dust off your hands before eating that sack lunch.

At 3:56 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

1999? My son was 9 and NCLB didn't rule (teacher's) lives. The smell of overhead pens and chalk dust on my hands. Please, someone cue up the "Sound of Music."

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...did you know that you've had 22,530 "hits" on your blog site? For all those who are enabled by technology, ONE of these days...!! I wonder what would happen if there were some major "glitch" in "communications" technology, and we all had to do our professions by the "seat of our pants", as it were. THAT's why I think all young people should learn how to do things the old way FIRST, and THEN let them have at it with computers!! We'd all be in a world of hurt if NO ONE knew how to do things sans technology. I totally agree with stoogelover. It's a LOT more fun to "figure things out" on ones own...sure does give a person a big boost in confidence and accomplishment. Even staying up until the wee small hours typing out a term paper, using research note cards one obtained at the library using the Dewey Decimal System to find ones sources, was a great experience! We learned patience and discipline, plus a lot more attributes too numerous to mention. Does the speed of technology stop us from stopping and smelling the roses?


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