Monday, July 31, 2006


Yeah, "biopsy" is one of those scary words, isn't it?

Yesterday, I got to hear Brady preach for the first time in a while. He did his usual excellent job and I was reminded of how many of Brady's sermons have stuck with me for various reasons. I can recall little of what I preach from week to week, but certain of Brady's lessons have made an impression. Yesterday was no exception.

He told a story about a friend of his who had been asked to say a prayer for someone who was undergoing surgery. The friend prayed, "God please be with the Dodgers who are looking after her. Guide the Dodgers hands as they..." And so on. I mean, I've heard of Dodgers fans, but that might be asking a bit much.

It reminded me of a former Shepherd at College who was leading a prayer for a woman in his class who was having a biopsy done. He prayed a bit and then said, "And God, we pray for our sister who is having an autopsy done this week." He prayed more after that. Never caught what he'd said. Many of us did, however, as our shaking shoulders under bowed heads revealed.

Anyway, I had this ugly thing scraped off of my back today and they are going to do a biopsy. My doctor says it's nothing. The dermatologist says it's nothing. Since it's the first thing I've ever had removed they're just examining it to be sure. So I'm honestly not the least bit concerned. It's just the first time I've ever had a biopsy of my very own and I thought I'd tell the world. Or, y'know, all you guys.

There is a lot going on in our lives this week. Whether that means my blogging will be more frequent or less remains to be seen.


At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the doctor said it's "nothing", don' wurry 'bout it! THEY know when something looks worrisome. And re-read Matt. 6:25-27. (I'm reading it every day!) But you are acting very "human"...everyone worries about stuff like this. If you've never been through this sort of thing, it's easy to feel anxious. You did the right thing, tho' to have it bx'ed. (That's medicalese for "biopsied"...we're always abbreviating stuff) I will pray that your fears will be relieved soon.

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah something I do have a little knowledge about just a fyi timeless was right bx's are actually done more frequently then you know and are more routine then medically necessary.I will have you in my prayers everything will be fine

At 7:37 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

I’m sure the “Coroner” I mean doctor knows what he is talking about.
We’ll lift up prayers for you my Brother.

BTW – First day for teachers to report back here in Brevard County is tomorrow.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Let us know what's up on this autopsy thing. We do keep you in our prayers.

At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't been around here in a while. Have they heard anything about the "thing" that got scraped off your back?


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