Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Josh Stump's excellent blog reminded me of something that happened recently. Something worth writing down. Something worth remembering.

A couple of days ago, my boy said, "Daddy, watch me!" about 15 times in a row.

This happens with such frequency that I have taken to calling out, "I'm watching!" without taking my eyes off the TV. Usually the event he wants me to watch is something like forming a playdough worm or making the ol' artificial fart under the arm. Thanks, boy. I'll pass.

The other night, he wouldn't let it go. So I actually watched. And then he did a perfect somersault. I mean a perfect somersault. Even the Romanian judge would have given him a 10.

He came up and flashed me the widest grin. He knew how good it was. I was speechless and I had something in my eye. I finally shouted how great that was and how proud I was of him. Then he did about 83 more in rapid succession.

This morning I heard him calling for Lisa to come watch what he could do. I had already forgotten the somersaults and had never mentioned them to her. I'm such a crummy dad sometimes. My wonderful wife has been afflicted by a virus for days. She has felt really lousy, even going to the doctor yesterday, something we don't do in this family unless body parts are coming loose. She was very busy but soon made time to go see what the boy was yelling about. It was quiet for about two seconds and then I heard her squeal. Only then did I remember the amazing gymnastic acheivement.

He has been somersaulting ever since. I'm amazed that both breakfast and lunch stayed down. And I hope I've learned how important it is to burn some things in my mind.

So, Josh, I'm sorry for totally cribbing your blog idea. But thanks for reminding me about what's important. It makes me want to turn some somersaults of my own.

Don't laugh. I can. Cartwheels too.


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Josh Stump said...

Hey, I say crib away. I'm sure I'll return the favor sometime. Plus, great story. I can totally relate. We wait for our kids to do something "amazing" like hitting a homerun or getting straight As before we pause to celebrate, when the reality is that for parents, sometimes even rolling a playdough worm or tying a shoe or using a fork without dumping mac and cheese in someone else's lap, can be just as entertaining and thrilling and important as all of the "big" things we celebrate.

With our kids, all the little stuff is so much fun, it's not about making a big deal out of something little, it's just about taking the time to really enjoy all those little things.

At 8:44 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

For James, someone start playing the Olympic Theme!

My gymnastic quotient allows me to sit in a chair (squarely most of the time)and stick the landing.

In my basketball days I was adept at drawing a charge and doing a backwards roll at the same time.

Kids, you gotta love em and watch em as well.

At 7:36 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Randy – Now that is what happens when you get a west coast guy trying to speak “Southernese.” A true Southerner would ask for someone to hold his beer as he yelled, “Git ur done.”

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

You guys crack me up.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Greg especially.

"African American?" Really?

At 11:44 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Greg - Did you say you were a southerner? "Spelling" in the south? You need to dance another jig of Sweet Home Alabama.

BTW "Alabama Boy,"Git r done" hails from a Florida Boy.

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful story, Steve. As you can imagine, my one-and-only offspring started speaking complete sentences at 18 mo and never stopped talking since...and when I actually tried to "be a good mom" and stop and listen (or watch) I was always in awe of her. Still am...(read my last comment in her blog...funny you should talk about "parenting" as's an amazing adventure that never stops) Imagine how it felt when she was 6 and she comes home from Sunday School (and, no, I didn't take her...let's talk about who the real teacher was) and she says with such joy, "Mommy, I just LOVE Jesus!!" I write this with tears in my eyes now.

I missed the "meeting" because of my health issue. What excites me the most is that for a while, you will be doing more preaching! Your last sermon was simply stunning...amazing. Prayers, my Christian brother, are always with you and our church family. I have seen College Church go through SO many transitions, but what stuns me the most is how we keep on growing...and how we keep trying to "do it better...and how we continue to listen to God speak to us through the many efforts and talents of our elders and membership. We are so blessed...

I still miss Randy and Brady. BTW, that last bit of conversational comment was hilarious. I cackled out loud. (Is Texas considered "Southern"?

At 6:59 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

timeless - Absolutely.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger twinmommy said...

After reading this entry on Thursday or Friday, I went to a museum with my husband this weekend. Next to the museum was a park, and as we were leaving I clearly heard a little voice cry out, "Watch me Daddy!" It brought tears to my eyes to think that in just a few short months my own boys will be saying the same thing to me.

Thanks to Wendy for "introducing" me to Steve. I've been blessed by reading this blog in unimaginable ways.


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