Monday, July 03, 2006

Haiku the Fifth

I humbly and deeply apologize in advance for what you are about to read. If you wish to retain any respect for me whatsoever, PLEASE skip this post and come back on Wednesday.

I'm serious.

Stop reading.

I can no longer be held responsible for the offense you are almost sure to take for what comes next. The Haiku Contest must be decided and I have been provided with the unfortunate final topic of Mexican Food. I have had a week to try to come up with an alternate route, but nothing has come to me. In the final analysis, all of my insight into the world of below-the-border cuisine is scatological in nature. Thus:

Topic Five: Mexican Food

Steve's entry:

Burritos taste good.
But they make me have to poo.
Get outta the waaaaaayy!!!

Wendy's entry:

Haiku tastes best when
liberally smothered in
enchilada sauce.

I'm so embarrassed right now. I can only hope that I have stolen Wendy's thunder, er, so to speak. But knowing what a prim and proper person she is, I'm certain that she'll provide us with a far more dignified entry, thus winning the contest with class and style. Vote at will. As tomorrow is Independence Day ("Yeah. Independence from haikus!" Greg shouted), I won't tally votes until Wednesday evening.

In other news, I have just come from "Superman Returns" and have to jot down a few thoughts while they are still there for the jotting.

Thought One: If you loved "Superman" you will love "Superman Returns." The movie is, in many ways, an homage to the Donner/Reeve movie and those of us who grew up with that one can't help but appreciate this one. For that matter, those of us weaned on the old TV show have to love that both Lois AND Jimmy from that series made an appearance.

Thought Two: Brandon Routh is perfect. Kevin Spacey equally so. Kate Bosworth was in it too.

Thought Three: Favorite moments, off the top of my head. Opening titles. New Jimmy and old Jimmy behind the bar together. A certain pentagon-shaped island, with S-shaped vegetation. The baseball stadium scene with the cheering crowd. A forehead kiss. Every dopey grin Clark tossed over at Lois. "Swell." "Get out." And a few absolutely iconic images taken straight from the covers of classic Superman comics. Take a look at Action Comics #1 (and while you're at it, buy me a copy, huh?) and then enjoy the scene where Supes stops the Mustang. Bryan Singer is such a fanboy.

Thought Four: Yeah, I remember being upset that Superman slept with Lois in "Superman II" and I'm not crazy about how the world's morality has crept into this saga. I decided to just try and get over it. Maybe it's a good conversation-starter though. At what point did we start tearing up over these things and stop being morally outraged?

Thought Five: Is the story messianic in nature? Of course. Wouldn't we all like our Savior to be a bit more like Superman? Strong. Good looking. Contemporary. Watching over us while we live our lives as we please. But Jesus didn't descend with a big red "J" on his chest. He came with tough teachings and an even tougher example. The comparisons are many but the bottom line is this: Our Savior is very real and we DO need him.

Thought Six: This is the best movie score I've heard since "Lord of the Rings". It's Williams-based, but composed by John Ottman, who also edited the movie. And it's even better in the actual film than on the CD.

Thought Seven: Pay attention. The little touches are everywhere. For instance, there's a nice little picture of Glenn Ford on the piano in the Kent house. And why wouldn't there be?

Thought Eight: The "Spider-Man 3" trailer had some great scenes with Venom, The Sandman, and the (Hob?)Goblin. See? Now you all know what I was reading when I was a kid. Ah, who am I kidding? I was still reading this stuff as an adult. But we're all paying to see it now, aren't we?

Okay, okay. That's enough. Why are you still reading this anyway? I told you to stop a long, long time ago. It's good to be home and back in blogland, although a week at the beach is nothing to sneeze at, especially when you are hearing reports of 105 degrees and raining back home. Go see the movie already.

And, Wendy? Win with grace. Please?


At 5:25 PM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...


First, my children have witnessed the "Uncle-Steve-Taco-Bell" walk. I know, I know, Taco Bell isn't really true Mexican Food, however, close enough...and if you've never seen the "walk", you have missed a truely amazing experience. It's the walk that is quick, but not too quick as to let anything out before you reach the potty...(I sure hope Mom's not reading this) and a bit on the tippy toes as if to "sneak up" on the whole loose #2 thing. Trust us, Mexican food really does make him have to go pooooo...

And, I don't even have to read Wendy's. I say you've won...anybody making themselves that vulnerable with this blog crowd deserves the victory!

And, I hate to confess this, but after 18 years of marriage, Lex confessed to me last night after I suggested watching Superman I, that he despises that particular character. I'm not sure what to do. I thought it was understood that we loved Superman. He has really thrown this marriage a curve. Not sure what to do. I think his words were that Superman was one of the weakest, lamest action characters ever created. YIKES!!

Love, don't judge.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

Oh, Steve. All I can think of is that episode of Space Ghost where Zorak asks a tummy-achey Space Ghost if he has tried sitting on the potty.

Maybe you should stick with Italian. Or seafood.

At 6:58 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Steve - I don't want to "poooooooo - poooooooo" your entry. How can I pull this off.

O.K., I vote for Steve because I like burritos better than enchiladas.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Enchiladas take it by a nose...

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Home tranquility
cannot be saved with green sauce.
It's burritos for me.

Sorry, Sweetpea.

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing...
All these people who will NOT admit to having SOME sort of reaction to Mexican food!! Kudos to have my vote. If Wendy doesn't like my vote, and never speaks to me again (and gives ALL my X-Mas presents to Auntie Jean), she won't get any of my dill pickles I just made today!

Sandra...I REALLY had to cackle out loud at your was...PRICELESS!! I have told countless patients I've cared for during the last 41 years (gasp)..."In here, one has to put ones modesty in a matchbox!", regarding the "Uncle-Steve-Taco-Bell" walk.

Pax...the Haiku wars have ended!

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

Et tu, Mom?

"There was...a mighty...duel. Both were masters..."

It's a tie. Let's just say we are equally matched poetry-wise and leave it at that.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

At least you won all of yours clean, Wendy. I had to stoop to a new low to manage the tie. I feel like Barry Bonds.


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