Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Of Muffins and Cupcakes

Ever get stuck with a really bad nickname?

Once in college, I zoned out in a friend's apartment, watching TV and eating cheese puffs. Before I knew it I had almost polished off a whole bag and my fingers were irredeemably orange. Somebody walked by, looked down at the sorry spectacle and said, "Hey, how's it goin' there, Puffy?" That was it. I was "Puffy" for years after that.

In elementary school, I was "Little Man" for quite a while. That one didn't bother me too much. The "little" was more than offset by the "man."

I say all of this in what I'm sure will prove to be a futile effort to head the whole "cupcake" thing off at the pass. If I have to be any sort of pastry treat, I choose to be a muffin. A stud muffin.

Huh? No? Okay, it was worth a shot.

So would anybody care to share a nickname they've carried around for any length of time? It can be one you love, one you've fostered, one that you've nurtured and cared for like a delicate house plant. Or it can be one that you tried to shake off as soon as it was given to you. For instance, my friend Kevin stated in no uncertain terms that he didn't like it when we called him "Brokeback."

And always monicker is permanent. Not even the one your folks gave you. Someday they will all give way to the one that your Creator picked out for you and etched on your cosmic birth certificate.

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it."

What's in a name?


At 3:34 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

Kids can be cruel, especially if you are smart and kind of nerdy and a delicate wee flower. Without going into details, I had a mean nickname for many years of elementary school. A few years ago, an old classmate (who I never liked much anyway) recognized me and, when I told her I was married, asked, "Wasn't your last name (x)?" (where x = the nickname in question.)

Yeah. Fun times.

Moving on. My father still calls me "Poppet," which I love - very British, baby. Rick called me "Sweetpea" once when we were dating, and I guess he thought my reaction was cute, as he has called me that ever since. I'm rather attached to that nickname.

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

SPARKY!? Somebody called you Sparky? Was it in love or were they totally cutting you down?

I have called you many things, Steve, but cupcake might be one of my new personal favorites. Thanks, Wendy!

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where should I begin I have so many of those wonderful names...
A wise teacher once call me Faline the Bean and my loving parents gave me chucky and piggy but I would have to say my favorite to this day is Faliny it stuck to me I'm not sure if its the name or the statement of how I pass on the lovely tradition I gave my girls names too. JoJo and Crabby and they just love me for that.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Skin flint. Toe head. Knucklehead.

My favorite is "dad", at least that I can write about to you.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

A haiku for a beleaguered blogger...

Is Steve a "cupcake"?
If it helps, I'd like to say
I'm *kind of* sorry...

At 1:17 PM, Blogger RC said...

intersting thoughts about our monikers reminds me of when i had a blog showdown with a guy who didn't like the fact that we both used the same blog name (RC) and he wanted me to change.

Here's how it turned out:
Strange Culture: The Conclusion of the RC Showdown

Anyways, I haven't had a nickname for a long time...but i've always been called by my last name, even when i change groups of people.

I got married 10 months ago and i've noticed my last name is used less.

--RC of

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to limit my "sitting-down" time, so I'm behind in the reading of blogs. Nicknames...yes, kids can be the cruest of all creatures...I was "cootie". I didn't know how to counter with a good comeback - neither did I have someone tell me that "kids are cruel", and that I shouldn't let the "labels" bother me. When I read this entry, the first thing I thought of was Wendy's father's nickname for her - "poppet". I'm so glad she shared this. My loving grandfather had a nickname for every single sister was "frog" (she liked to kick her legs with glee when she saw him), my brother's was "Fat Man", (no explanation needed there) and I was..."Nasty-Face" because my mom kept my face SO clean. (Writer of "Occasional Opinion - what did Grandpa call YOU...I can't remember)


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