Friday, May 19, 2006

Closed House

Tonight we are hosting an Open House for our neighborhood. It's a way to say Thank You to all of our friends who helped us out when our House was Opened. It's also a chance to celebrate it's being closed.

We have always talked about how blessed we are to have the neighbors we do. We didn't need a Big Event to cause us to recognize that fact. We weren't surprised when they came through for us so much. Some brought us food. Some opened their homes (and showers) to us. Some watched our son when we couldn't. Many checked on us regularly, asking what they could do. These were never empty requests either. We knew that we could ask our neighbors for anything and they would be happy to help.

One of the exciting things about our neighborhood is that most of us are going to be neighbors for a long time. I mean a really, really long time. Sure, we might not live on Backer Ave. together for all that many years, but I have already put in a request that our mansions be on the same gold-paved street when we reach the other side. Very few of our neighbors don't know Jesus. And yet, they'll pray right alongside us tonight when we all give Him thanks together.

That's tonight. Tomorrow, I drive to LA to watch the Dodgers/Angels game. Sunday is time for worship and catching my breath as I get ready for 9 more days of school. Then I golf.


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Brady said...

I love the Closed House title. Ingenious.

Have a great evening.

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I am just happy for you guys to finally have your house back to a sense of "normalcy"! Your family is a great family that you should be proud of, and I know you are. I thank you for all of your hard work through church and your dedication to other people's lives. You don't even need a house for your family: You deserve it! Just promise me that you guys won't ever sleep on the kitchen counters, just in case a crazy teen ager swerves again!
Go Braves.
Shane Mason

At 11:21 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Nothing better than having good neighbors.
Nothing worse than having bad/crazy neighbors.

We have 2 more days with the kiddos then it's:
1. Bible Camp
2. Mid-Ohio (West Virginia) Valley Work Camp - 600 teens - scrape/prime/paint house in 4 days
3. Of to Long Beach for the Josh-Heather Wedding and then crash at Greg's for a few days
4. Perhaps a face to face meeting in mid July?

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Vonnie said...

You drove all the way to LA for an Angel game? This past spring we drove from Tucson to Tempe to see the Angels play and it was sold out! My husband asked me why I didn't check to see if there were seats before we left - 2 hour drive- and I replied, "But it is just
Spring Training." Anyway, we drove back home. Great 4 hour road trip. :) we hope to get out to OC to see the Angels sometime this summer.


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