Wednesday, May 03, 2006


See that picture at the bottom of the previous post? Scroll down. I'll wait.

Pretty, huh? Weird too, since I'm sitting on the 4th floor of that building right now. The flight was great and tonight we received a few gifts (photo album, etc.) and a great spread of food and drink. It's now about 6:30 PST but we're turning in. Something about that 3 hours of sleep (1 1/2 for Lisa) last night.

A quick story before turning in. Avery (Sandra's son) sat behind me on the flight to Dallas. He and his team are off to Alabama to fly their rocket for NASA. Yes, all their odd looking devices did hold the plane up a bit, but not much. We are unbelievably proud of him. Still, the defining moment of the flight for me came when I looked down in my lap, reading my book, and was distracted by movement on the ground to my front of me. I glanced over and saw my nephew's enormous foot, clad in an even more enormous shoe. That's right. His foot was_in_front_of_me. I followed it up the leg, twisting around to see this long-haired genius sitting there with his noise-reducing headphones on...grinning at me.

I love it.

Prayers for all of you whether in Pepperdine or your own home.


At 11:36 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Glad you're relaxing and getting used to the pampered life. I know it's tough.

Long legged kids, where do they all come from?

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

How fortunate for Avery that you were the person in front of him. It allowed him to stretch out his legs! He wouldn't have shared a strangers floor space...only his Uncle.

For the record, I begged he get a hair cut before the trip.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Hope you're having a good time in our part of "the woods." Sure would like to see you here at "Jerry's Place" next year.


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