Monday, April 17, 2006

What I Did For Spring Break


Well, not really nothing, but not very much. Which is exactly what I planned to do.

I studied some. Read a little. Watched lots of baseball. Spent time with family and friends. Golfed once. Got rained out once. Overall, I finished exactly none of the projects I set out to do.

Why is it easier to get things done when we're already doing so many other things? Or is it just me? It's very easy for me to switch off for vacation. I know that's not true for others. But we Thurmans are a sedentary people. We like to sit.

Tomorrow I'll switch back on. I have a little over two weeks until the AP Calculus test. I'm teaching class on Sunday for three more weeks. I'm speaking Sunday (on Isaiah, more to follow). We are administering the CAT6/STAR test over the next two weeks (say it with me, Cecil: "Ugh"). And there are some things around the house that really should get done.

But for one more day...for eight or nine more hours...I think I'll power through one last serious session of sitting around.


At 7:24 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

I feel your “high-stakes” testing pain. Good luck to you and your students.

I know what you mean about vacation time. I always have wonderful plans as to all I want to accomplish when I have time off but yet I’m lucky if I get half of my “honey-do’s completed.


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