Monday, May 15, 2006


I want to thank everyone for weighing in (on the elder question, although your baseball terms were pretty cool made me remember "frozen rope," my favorite expression for a hard line drive). Your comments were excellent...extremely well thought-out and very illuminating. Timely too, as the elder question actually did come up for me again over the weekend. If you haven't read the insights from all of the replies to Friday's entry, go back and do so. Then, leave your own thoughts if you haven't (or if you've, y'know, changed your mind since last week).

One of our elders addressed the congregation yesterday and said that "we take a conservative view of the scriptures." He went on to say that an elder should have "been married once." This, of course, is an interpretation of the "husband of one wife" phrase. As I've mentioned before, this interpretation is significant to me as a divorced man with a desire to be a leader within the church. I know that most of our elders interpret that phrase differently, so an inconsistent message was given yesterday. I hope to sit down with all of them soon and find out what they really think. My future (and my family's future) at College more or less hang in the balance.

Lisa and James are both down with vicious summer colds. Your prayers for them are greatly appreciated.

I hope Mother's Day was wonderful for all of you. I have been blessed with an incredible mother, an awesome mother-in-law, and a wife who is a terrific mother as well. Even though Lisa was ill, it was a great time to recognize these three amazing women for all they've done and continue to do. I hope you are all as blessed as I am.

14 school days left. Happy Monday!


At 9:51 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Sorry about Lisa and James being down. Offering prayers on their behalf.

I know I said this before my Math Brother but I would highly recommend to your elders, any of Olan’s Hick’s materials on divorce and re-marriage including his book, “What the Bible Says about Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage.” It is published by College Press.

Better yet, if you can get your elders to talk to him via phone conference or bringing him out. Olan will talk to groups of “just elders,” interested parties, or to the entire church.

Bringing Olan to our church helped us to throw off a doctrine that has it’s roots in Catholicism and come to a more (our belief) consistent and Biblical understanding of this issue.

My prayers are with you and the College Church.


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