Monday, May 08, 2006

Scientology vs. Methodism

I'm weak.

Yesterday I was faced with a difficult choice. How to spend our last hours in Savannah? Should we soak up as much of the culture as time still allowed? Wouldn't it be awful to miss a great opportunity to worship at a church actually founded by John Wesley? Or maybe to find our way to a Baptist assembly where Martin Luther King, Jr. had delivered a sermon? I mean, nobody in their right mind would pass those chances up for something so everyday, so humdrum, so downright quotidian as...a movie!

Especially not a Tom Cruise movie!

Well, it's like this. When you have a youngster, your chances of getting out are limited. JJ Abrams is one of our favorite writer/directors and we wanted to...well, we wanted to see some stuff blow up. So we spent our last day in Savannah watching Mission Impossible III.

It rocked.

As did our entire stay. Friday night we were taken by riverboat to Fort Jackson and allowed to tour the entire location. We were served a delicious dinner there and returned to our hotel in time to watch fireworks over the Savannah River. On Saturday we were treated to massages at the nearby spa and then a feast later that night on the golf course, the same course where the Lengends of Golf Tour had been the previous weekend.

The trip home was a bit of an adventure. We had less than 10 minutes to make our connecting flight in Dallas and had to run our socks off (or in Lisa's case, our flip-flops) to make it in time. But we did and we had seats in first class on the way home, something neither of us had experienced before. Did you know that in first class, they serve you drinks in glasses made of glass? And that they give you food? And hot towels? And real plates and cloth napkins and heated, mixed nuts? And that you have a bathroom just for your section? And the stewardesses are...wait for it...nice??

Of course, the best part of the trip home was seeing our sweet boy who grew 5 inches and learned two new languages while we were gone.

Amazing trip.

Good to be home.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger Brady said...

You're so weird. Most of us fly first class all the time.

Actually, it doesn't make sense to me for you to skip church AND get First Class on the airplane. That calls into question the justice of God.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

Hey, now, they're called "flight attendants."

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

Glad you had fun...

I still can't believe you skipped a chance to visit with Paula Deen!

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

At 2:52 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

I can't believe I'm saying (writing) this but, I'm with Sandra to some extent. My wife watches the Food Network all the time and Paula Deen's looks like a good place to eat.

However, MI3 sounds like a good trade off.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger Brady said...

64, 128, 256

At 5:56 PM, Blogger Lebatron said...

That's awsome.

Check out my blog. I've just recently published an article on Scientology, which is both entertaining and factual. I think you'll find it a good read. Don't forget to leave a comment if you want.

At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First Class...what's THAT?

I think I would travel to Savannah JUST to see Paula Deen, Watching her cook all the food I grew up on. But my "roots" are in Virginia; however the food is the same.

Did you happen to see the lovely statue of the girl at the Savannah cemetery...? - the one featured on the book "In the Midnight Garden of Good and Evil" by John Berendt? If I could, I'd love to walk away with that one.

Did that massage also include mint julips?


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