Monday, July 24, 2006

And Where Do We Go From Here?

July 23rd has come and gone. The elders...and others...have made their long-awaited announcements. So what's next?

Let me precede everything by saying that there is a pervasive understanding at the College Church that everything is in God's hands. His timing is perfect and we are a patient group.

Yesterday, my friend Tim told us that he and his family would be moving back to Virginia. Tim has been our youth minister for eight years. He has also been one of our principal speakers in that time, as we have been without a pulpit minister for about the same duration. Obviously, his loss will be felt greatly. In addition to the hard work he does with the kids and the quality of his speaking, Tim is just a really good guy. He has become a good friend during our time on the Worship Committee together and all of the times we have co-preached a series. I'll miss him a lot.

Our elders have spent many months in prayer and planning for the next direction of our church family. They told us yesterday that they are beginning a search for a "senior minister." Ideally, they want someone who will be a preacher, an adminstrator, a Worship Committee member, an involvement person, and a general "go-to" guy for the church body. At this time, I would like to emphasize the word "ideally." It may be a lot to ask from one person. On the other hand, God has somebody in mind for us.

The elders also announced their top priority of finding somebody (somebodies?) to lead our preschool - 12th grade childrens ministry. They are also keeping an emphasis on rejuvenating our buildings and grounds, maintaining and strengthening our commitment to evangelism and outreach, and reinvigorating our adult education.

Easy. Nothin' to it.

And where does yours truly fit in? Please refer back to paragraph 2.

Tim will be leaving us in mid-September. The timeline for finding a senior minister stretches into 2008. So it looks as though I may be expected to do a lot more preaching before I ultimately end up doing a lot less. To be honest, I'm struggling with this a bit. But when I keep in mind that I am merely God's servant and that it is an extreme honor to do His will, then it becomes quite easy to simply say, "Here I am, Lord. Send me."

I trust the leadership of our elders. I trust the God they allow to lead them. I am as intimidated as ever by the responsibility of preaching. Yet I enjoy it more every time. On the other hand, that whole "adult education" thing is very intriguing....

All this to say: Thank you for your prayers. Don't stop.


At 4:23 PM, Blogger Karen said...

I feel for you... We just got word yesterday that our minister will be leaving in a couple of months. We're in search of a youth minister (may actually be getting ready to hire someone). It's never easy. God's timing is always perfect, even when we don't agree with it, though. (Something I have to keep reminding myself of!)

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Hope you preached well yesterday. I was thinking of you, and today, also, as I worked on next week's text.
Keep up the good work. See you in a couple days.

At 6:34 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Without a full time "preaching minister" for 8 years is amazing in of itself. We'll be in prayer for you and the College Church. One thing, you never know about the "actual" length of a timeline or a "vote."

I was thinking of Greg in my "vote" comment. When we were looking for a minister at Rockledge back in the early 80's, the elders told the church that we would hear at least 3 canidates. Greg was our first "contestant" and shortly there after, the elders announce that they didn't want to bring anyone else in and lets have a vote. I voted "no." Who would know that my "no" vote would lead to a lifelong friend.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Judy - Greg did a "try out sermon" before we voted so I'm sure that influenced my vote.

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Josh Stump said...

My Dad is going through this same transition from sometime preacher to fulltime preacher until further notice. He was reluctant and apprehensive, but God is blessing him and us.

I am certain, God will do the same for you and the College Church. I will add you to my prayer list.


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