Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I'm Sorry, What?

J: You need to buy a new radio for your car, Daddy.

S: No, son, I just need to buy a new car.

J: Oh, I will buy you a new car.

L: Sweetie, you don't have enough money in your piggy bank to buy Daddy a new car.

J: Oh, well, I will buy me a new car when I'm a daddy. Then there will be two daddies in our family.

S: I'll still be your Daddy.

L: Daddy will always be your daddy, sweetie. But when you grow up and have your own baby, you'll be a daddy too. When you marry a girl, you can be a daddy.

J: Or a boy.

S: ...

L: No, bud, you have to marry a girl. You can only have babies with a girl.

J: Then what can I do with boys?

S: ...........

L: Just--be--friends.

(The preceding conversation was altered slightly in James Frey-like fashion to describe why last night's dinner conversation made S laugh hysterically while simultaneously giving him severe heartburn.)


At 8:44 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

In light of yours' and Lisa's conversation with James, you might want to move away from California!

We have Calculus in Florida.

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Not that there's anything wrong with that . . ."

At 1:01 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Thanks God for wives and their inspired answers.


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