Friday, February 03, 2006

Houses and Stones

Henri Poincaré was an important scientist and mathematician. Among other achievements, he sketched a preliminary version of the special theory of relativity, analyzed the different roles played by intuition and logic in mathematical thinking, and pioneered chaos theory.

He was really, really smart.

Poincaré said, “Science is built up of facts, as a house is built of stones; but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house."

My house has been a heap of stones for almost three months so, see, Poincaré wasn't all that smart.

We are getting very, very close to having a house again. The hardwood floor and the new kitchen tile look beautiful. Last night I was giving James a bath and I said that the new floor in the bathroom looked great. "Yeah, Daddy," he said. "It's gorgeous!"

The interior walls are painted and the last of the cabinets will be stained today. The counters look great and they added an oak shelf to our bay window. We have a larger pantry now and large cabinets over our washer/dryer. They should be painting the outside of the house tomorrow and moving furniture back in next week. It's conceivable that by the following week, our lives will return to normal.

Maybe even better than normal. Moving the TV around seems like a good excuse to replace the satellite receiver with a high-def TVR. And that empty garage will just scream for a new vehicle to fill it. One, y'know, that won't get hit and broken into all the time. If God chooses, we'll make a few upgrades.

And if not, He's shown us through this...reminded would be a better word...what is truly important. My family is safe and whole on the other side of this incident. Our lives, and more importantly, our spirits are intact.

I've often thought how strange it is that a few seconds of poor judgment on the part of a single teenager could cause three months of pain and discomfort to an entire family. Who knew when he overcorrected that it would mean we would live without the front of our house for so long? It was an odd chain of events. And after reading about them, you have to ask yourself one thing:

Aren't you glad that this post wasn't really about Henri Poincaré?


At 12:46 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

The only constant in our lives is the presence of the Lord. I’m glad that your life is beginning to return to normal. Some weeks our home feels like a hotel since we’re on the road with school, church, or Steven’s activities.

In the words of your son James, enjoy your gorgeous home.

At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear your ordeal is coming to an end. I'm sure this means that another ordeal is not waiting in the wings.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

Rick's parents did an entire house remodel "while they were at it" - the original work was just supposed to be new lino in the kitchen. Did you tack on a few extras during the repairs? I'm excited to see pictures of your home "after"!


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