Wednesday, February 01, 2006


A few years ago, I was teaching a class at church. I made reference to Gideon and was met with blank stares. It was the first time I realized how little a new generation of believers knows about some of the classic Bible stories.

I've often argued that the College Church needs a beginners' class, something for those who weren't raised in the church and didn't hear the stories when they were growing up. We are not doing anything to teach them about their heritage. And it's not just that they don't know anything about Gideon or Nehemiah. They don't know anything about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

I doubt that our class format will change anytime soon. Our shepherds are very possessive of (and effective with) the groups as they currently exist and most of our healing, helping, and praying is done there. So then, what to do about educating those who haven't heard the stories?

Our next series from the pulpit will seek to address this in an admittedly infinitessimal way. By telling the stories of some of the major ancestors of our adoptive family, we hope to create enough interest in them that people will want to learn more. In addition, we will aim to focus on the missional nature of each of their lives. By showing how they were called by God to do His work, we hope to make clear His call to us.

We haven't solidified our list of ancestors yet; believe me, it's much easier to add a name to the list than to take one off. Nor have we named the series. Suggestions are always welcome. In the meantime, as always, prayers are appreciated.


At 5:31 PM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

Let me just say to you all that it's not that a name hasn't been suggested for the series, it's just that the high powered men involved haven't LIKED the names I've suggested. So, I guess when THEY come up with one, it will be named.

Whew...I feel better.

At 11:44 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Just make sure you have a balance between women and men, Gentiles and Jews, heroes and villains.

Don't dare start with what people need to hear and then chose your OT person…

At 6:24 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

In light of some of the comments from you and Sandra and since (in the southern "vernacular")"I are one," how about:
"Ancient Ones – (unlike some elders) Old Guys With Meaning”

At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally love titles for series that people know from other settings. I like the tension created by the double meanings.

Your series for example could be:

"Who's Your Daddies Daddies, Daddies, Daddies, Daddies, Daddies, Daddy?"

"The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly"

"The League of Extraordinary Men and Women"

And now we interrupt this comment for a serious comment.

I think the idea of teaching these stories is great. I echo Brady's advice and suggest you teach these stories for the message God was speaking through them. He revealed himself through these men and women as the God of the living for specific purposes.

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Thanks to all for your suggestions. (Even you, sweet sister, who I seem to recall poo-pooing anything with "called" in it.)

I wish we had time to cover all the people we want...and I'm sort of hoping that this is a series that gets revisited many times...but we're trying to keep two goals in mind.

One: tell the story as best we can of God's people from Abram to Christ.

Two: show how God has called people to do his work from early on.

Lofty goals, sure. Especially that first one. But reachable with God's guidance and your prayer.

At 2:55 AM, Blogger The Raabs said...

I always read these blogs long after your normal people. Love the idea of this series - it is so important to know who we are. I liked your idea (in the blog) and would call it something like "Our family". Either that or hzgfm.


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