Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Seminary Speak

One of my seminary classes this semester is on the Gospel of Luke. I am reading four books for the course, mostly commentaries (one of which is over 900 pages long!). There are many parables in Luke and the commentaries often point out the paraboloic nature of the Gospel. The only problem (for me at least) is that the word parabolic does not evoke Jesus' storytelling when I read it. It evokes parabolas...and vertices...and axes of symmetry...and conic sections. Yes, I am finding that math keeps creeping into my Biblical studies.

I think that might be a good thing. Every preacher should have his own unique style and mine just may turn out to be "Math Preacher." Or "Superhero Preacher" or "Star Wars Preacher" or some happy combination of many things. I have quite a few years to figure it out.

In the meantime, I'm adjusting to the new vocabulary. No longer am I awash in Math Speak. Now I rush to my dictionary to better understand exegesis, hermeneutics, ecclesiology, soteriology, pericopes, chiasms, and so on and so on.

I see that this week in my Biblical Interpretation notes, we are paying attention to "the symmetrical structure of parallel phrases around a central idea." Thank goodness!

I speak Math!


At 11:38 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

No wonder you're doing so well in Seminary! You've got that math-ese thing going.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Swan Man said...

I like Super-hero Preacher best. What will your super-power be? We could have fun speculating who your arch-nemeses could be...!

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

My first class at Harding Graduate School of Religion (many years ago) was a class on theological research. The professor gave us a handout that contained the word, "pericope" and I, being ever un-bashful, raised my hand and asked, "What is a pericope?" only I pronounced it as you would pronounce "periScope" but without the "s". I'm not sure all of those who laughed at me knew any more than I did.

What's fun is to preach a sermon and use those words ... I only did it in a rather sarcastic way to show my lack of education rather than bragging about my education.

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Meowmix said...

Seminary speak sounds a lot more impresive than kitty speak, which is how one friend described my blog!!! :)

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Meowmix said...

P.S. - I DO TOO know how to spell impresive! It has another "s"! :)

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Aren't you glad Luke was smart enough to keep you so busy 2000 years later?

Honestly, how do you pronounce PERICOPE?

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Brady, I'm amazed at Luke's skill. I'm growing to love the book more and more.

And it's Puh-ri-cuh-pee...accent on the second syllable.

My word verification is "pokerc" by the way...fitting since Thursday night used to be poker night.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

When will you be discussing the “Quadratic Heresy of the 1st Century?


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