Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Ministry

Our new preacher delivered a sermon on "The Body of Christ" this Sunday. At one point, he asked us to think about what our particular ministry to the church was. I couldn't help the first thought that sprung to my mind..."You're doing my ministry!"

It is still settling in that my preaching days at College are over. I'll still fill in from time to time, but I need to define my ministry there in new ways. I'll always teach, at least as long as someone will let me. And I don't have time to devote to much more with all the seminary study. But I am very much missing the pastoring that went with preaching. Whether I had a title or not, the mere fact of being in front of the church and delivering God's Message, caused some to treat me and share with me as they would with a full-time preaching minister.

It is that joy in pastoring as much as the delight in preaching that spurred me to begin seminary. And I suppose I am mourning a bit over its current absence.


At 1:34 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Preaching is the easy part, for me. The pastoring is what it's all about, but it can be tough at times.

At 11:41 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Sounds like you and Greg are going through some of the same things.

For me, I think I'm a deacon pretending to be an elder at times. Being the Fellowship Deacon was lots of fun.

I'll use an old Joe Beam line -
"But being an elder can be fun because you fire ministers." :)

Joe said this when he became an elder in Georgia long after his well known story of falling away from the Lord and then coming back to him.

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For you, I wish you joy in knowing that there is only ONE "you"...and that you will always be a "pastor", whether there's an official title or not. It's your gift, and that's what makes you a fantastic preacher as well. You've always brought your "pastoring" into your sermons, and that's why people feel so connected with you. I, as well as others, KNOW where you are...and that is so comforting. It's a rare thing to be able to do BOTH, as you do.


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