Friday, February 13, 2009

5 Reasons I Love My Honey

5. The way she has supported my choice to begin seminary is incredible. She listens to my post-class stories, tries to help me get study time at home, understands when I come home from work late, and curtails spending so that we can pay for fees and books. Her leap of faith on this has surpassed my own.

4. She provides a home. Taking care of bills, dinner, chores, James' homework, and a hundred other things...I know I can rely on her for everything.

3. She watches Battlestar Galactica with me. And Lost. And Fringe. And not just because I want her to, but because there is a little sci-fi geek inside her too. Most importantly, she remembers everything, so when I have to ask whether the fifth Cylon is Ellen Tigh or Helen Tigh...or whether Jin and Danielle had ever met before...or who "The Observer" is...she knows!

2. She is my favorite person to hug. I mean this by about 1,000,000 percent.

1. Valentine's Day just isn't a big deal to her. I mean this in a very, very good way. She would rather relax and share some peanut M&M's while catching up on Survivor than exchange gifts after a fancy meal out. And I promise, she's not just saying that. She even puts up with me when I say Jeff Probst's lines before he does ("Once again, immunity is back up for grabs...worth playing for?...wait for my this game, fire represents your life...etc. ad nauseum).

Lisa, I love you more than ever. Happy day before V-day!


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

Great post! I could relate very well to #1. My wife and I have never been big on trying to make money for the greeting cards / chocolate candies industry. We may or may not go out to have a nice meal. More than likely, we'll rent a movie and snuggle at home after eating a grilled steak for dinner. This year our "celebration" was to keep our three grandbabies for a few hours while Josh and Heather went out for dinner and some shopping (meaning, buying diapers!). It was a wonderful way to celebrate our love. Had it not been for our love, Josh would be a "wasn't" and we'd not have these precious children.


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