Wednesday, March 05, 2008

God is Good

All the time.

I am again in the midst of a very busy time. Fresh off a wonderful retreat weekend, joyfully preparing the message for Sunday, and getting ready for some quality time with my boy as Lisa is away for a few days. Meanwhile I have 5 classes to teach (and one to discipline heavily for vandalizing my room while I was retreating). And there are always the odds and ends, those things that make you stop in the middle of the room and say, "OH, I still have to....."

So it seems like a good time to stop, to be still, and just to be in God's refreshing presence. He wants us to know Him, to truly know Him. He woos us, He draws us closer, He whispers to us constantly, reminding us Who He is.

The world does not know Him. They think He is an angry god, an awful god, even an absent god. They ask how we can worship a god who does such horrible things, a god who allows disasters and atrocities. They do not see a god who can hurt, who can be hurt, who can grieve.

Last night in Clovis, an older couple was involved in what the police are calling a "murder/suicide." What likely happened was that the man, 82, shot his wife accidentally and then used the rifle on himself. They were the parents of a colleague and friend of mine...and she has every right to ask me those questions the next time I see her. It falls to me to show her that God aches for a lost and broken world. That He is alive, that He is active, that He loves us all in spite of the way we turn our backs on Him.

God wants us to know Him. But we can't know Him unless we want to ourselves. That desire is the first step towards relationship. I hurt for my friend today, but because of my relationship with the Father, I am still able to rest in His love.


At 5:17 AM, Blogger Brady said...

I hurt for that family too. Sometimes suffering seems almost overwhelming.

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Meowmix said...

Have prayed for your friend.........

In our town this week, 6 people were found dead in one house - 4 adults, 2 children. Three more children in the house were assaulted and meant for dead but have survived, still in critical condition in the hospital. Some were shot; at least one was stabbed. We're talking 5 kids here, and the oldest age we've heard is 9.......down to 2 months. And the 3 in the hospital are being heavily guarded because they are the only ones who know what happened and are in danger. The remaining family do not even know for sure which children are dead and which are in the hospital - not allowed to see them. And there are no known suspects.

I know the heart of God grieves.....

At 8:08 AM, Blogger preacherman said...

I want to thank you for this wonderful post. All of the things good and bad, sickness and health I have learned that God is so good and know what is best for us if we only trust Him. He takes care uf us in all ways as well. God has blessed my life in so many ways.
And so every morning I wake up and sing that song is, "God is so Good." I think it is a wonderful way to give God the praise and adoradation He needs and deserves from each one us as His Children.
Thank you so much for this wonderful post. I pray that God blesses you life in ways you have never thought of before.
In HIm,
Kinney Mabry

At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just spoke to my students about the risks of drinking and driving. I used the example of my junior high baseball coach. His sister was hit and killed by a drunk driver. The next year, the year after I had him as a coach, he crashed his own car while driving under the influence. He is now barely able to speak, with a comprehension level of a 5 year old.
This is terrible.
Hopefully I can teach thousands of students about these dangers throughout my career.

At 5:32 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

I've had plenty of those as I call it, "Avenging Angel" talks with classes who terrorized a sub in my absence.

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

As difficult as it is to believe this, I was one of those students who made life miserable for a sub teacher. As soon as I post this, I'll go stand in the corner.


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