Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Still feeling crummy. Blogging anyway.

The first perfect number.

The atomic number of carbon.

Al Kaline...Tony Oliva...Steve Garvey...and of course, Stan Musial.

No, I'm not getting kickbacks from Wikipedia today. I'm just commemorating 6 incredible years that I've been a daddy.

James has grown up so much this year. He is such a little boy. He is the greatest joy that Lisa and I know. We couldn't be prouder of who he is and who he is becoming.

He makes us laugh with his silliness. He impresses us daily with how much he is learning. His prayers are turning from requests for himself to requests for others. He has been so patient and loving while I've been sick and recovering from surgery. He is the greatest earthly gift I have ever been given.

I'm so grateful for him today. God blessed us beyond our wildest dreams when he put James in our family. Happy Birthday my sweet son. I love you so much!


At 11:44 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Good deal, Steve. Happy b-day to James.

7 is a pretty perfect number too…

At 8:12 AM, Blogger twinmommy said...

Happy birthday, James! And Steve, only a math teacher gets excited about his child turning an age that's a perfect number. Kind of like I got excited when the boys turned two, the first real prime number.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Happy birthday to James. Enjoy this time "Dad" for it is a gift from God when our sons think we can do no wrong. I'm not saying relating to a teenager doesn't have it's rewards and special times but enjoy James being a "little boy."

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

Those are great years in the life of a dad and son! I'm glad you are a father who loves his family and not only shows it but shares it. What James probably doesn't know is the you are enjoying his birthday more than he!


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