Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Showering Gifts

The surgeon wants to see me Saturday morning about my (short) bouts of double vision and headaches. Obviously, I'm hoping that this is just a little glitch that is easily fixable.

Lisa and James seem to be about the only people in my family who aren't having health issues right now. Mom is going through a few things. Lex and Sandra are going through some more serious things. I haven't had a chance to talk to them yet and get permission to share, so for right now please just lift them up in the knowledge that God knows exactly what's wrong.

Yesterday was my first day back at work and, of course, I overdid it. I tried to clean up the disarray that always follows having a sub for a long period of time. Then I went to the worship meeting before getting home after 7:00. That's a long day under the best of circumstances, but too long when you're still recovering from surgery. So I'm feeling the effects of it today.

Last night I was overtired when I went to bed and so I laid there for a while, going in and out of sleep. The problem was that I just couldn't relax. My mind was going over the day, worried about my family, thinking about the rest of this long week, and wondering whether I would wake up with the pain and vision trouble that have plagued me the last few days. Suddenly, the most beautiful, peaceful rainstorm came. I felt my body melt back into the mattress. Lisa came back to see if I was still awake, if I could hear it. I told her, as ridiculous as it sounds, that I felt like God had sent me a rainstorm.

We never really know everything that God does for us. There were a thousand reasons it was raining, I'm sure. But the sound of it was just what I needed at that moment and I think, no matter what His reasons were, that God knew the sublime joy it brought me. Every now and then, I see something small that I know James would love. And when I give it to him, his smile and laughter light me up inside. I have no doubt that God delights in giving us gifts. Maybe that rainstorm wasn't for me. But I would be a poor son not to give Him thanks and tell him how great it made me feel.


At 10:44 AM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

Of those thousand reasons for the rain, I think it's great that you realize you are one of them! You would do that for your son, wouldn't you? Why not God for one of his children?

Saddened to hear about the other family ills, especially Lex and Sandra (since I know them), but it's always difficult to see parents going downhill with their health.

At 2:19 AM, Blogger Carolanne said...

It would be tough to go back to work and I'm glad God sent you a rainstorm. He does care about you and He cares about your family too.
I'll pray for you all.

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Brady said...

I have been praying for you, but especially for Lex.

Love you guys,

At 9:13 AM, Blogger twinmommy said...

Thanks for reminding me of what a gift a rain shower can be. Living in Seattle tends to make one jaded about rain; when you see it for three months straight it's not so appealing. A timely reminder that God sends the rain as a blessing.

You and your family are in my prayers.


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