Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Part of my problem with giving people updates on my surgery is that it's just so darned gross. The sturdier folk like timeless will have no trouble with it. Of course, she's seen things in Operating Rooms that would curl our toes. But I'm afraid if I give too many details, some people might turn green and get those little cartoon bubbles over their heads (whilst muttering, "urp"). So I'll try to fill in some blanks and, if you feel yourself getting queasy, click to another blog, pronto.

As I said before, the surgery itself went fine. I actually watched a little of it on videotape today. That's right. I have a lot of students in the Doctor's Academy at Sunnyside and they asked me to bring them a tape. Naturally, when I saw the first snip of a polyp, I hit the "off" button faster than Greg at a guitar sale.

My head has hurt at a pretty good clip all week. I have drugs, but they are only doing so much. I'm going to ask for something stronger tomorrow as I have every intention of being back at work on Friday. I've spent most of the week sitting and reading, but my concentration is pretty low so I haven't read much of anything that didn't have artwork and sound effects.

Tomorrow we are driving back to Palo Alto (3 hours each way) for an appointment they say should last about 20 minutes. It's worth the trip to deal with Dr. Vaughn as he is seriously top of the line. Here's a former Dean at Stanford U. who personally called me a couple of days after the surgery to see how I was. (When I told him I hurt, he acknowledged very apologetically, "I'm sorry. I did that.") I have been told by a few people that tomorrow's procedure will NOT be pleasant, but it's a necessary step. If nothing else, I hope it will relieve some of the pressure I'm feeling.

Eventually this will all be worth it, but I'd be lying if I said I was having much fun. I have been humbled though, by the sheer amount of prayers, calls, and cards. God has blessed me with incredible friends. It makes me keenly aware of how often I am lacking in showing others how much I care for them. It's caused me to make some private commitments about how I am going to live my life when the pain is gone and the air is flowing again. I've been trying very hard to serve God for so many years...I'm not sure if I ever got that He would most have me serve Him by serving others.

Anyway, that's enough for now. I'll have more to report when we get back from the doctor tomorrow. The appointment is at 11:00 and we'll be travelling for quite a few hours. If you're not all prayed out, we could still use some coverage. Thanks to all for your concern. Better days are just ahead.


At 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's nothing worse than "cabin fever" following a very uncomfortable surgery. Who knows...maybe the trip back to Stanford will be "therapeutic in some perverse way, as in change of scenery. I hope it doesn't rain. As for the discomfort, this too shall pass. Just hope you are able to eat OK, and that all systems are working...but then, nothing may taste good at all, but you need calories.

I'm asking God to show you a "turning point"...something to give you hope that you WILL be normal again. Don't "count" too much on returning to work so soon...this whole thing has taken a lot out of you, and you usually don't know that until you attempt to do something work! BE GOOD to yourself and listen to your body. You'll know when you're ready to get back to your usual schedule. But going back to work Friday is a bit ambitious. Check that out with your Dr.

At 12:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see my comment to my left, but it hsn't posted yet...

Be patient, my friend, "cause good things take time.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

Pain can certainly change our perspective and priorities very quickly. A few years ago I was in the worst back pain I'd ever known and it lasted without relief for 9 weeks. It resulted in lots of changes for this aging boy.

Hope you get relief very soon and the Friday appointment is less painful than you're expecting.

For the record, I picked up a Taylor guitar duing President's Day sale and returned it the next day, to the amazement of my wife and friends. Just did not have a peace about it, though it was a nice enough guitar and at a very good price.

At 1:26 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

"Faster than Greg at a guitar sale." Not that's fast!
We'll keep the east coast prayer machine in full gear for you. Here's to having a uneventful trip to and fro as well as (as Greg stated) much less pain than advertised tomorrow. Coast to coast and continent to continent, you are certainly not alone as we all lift you up on prayer.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Carolanne said...

Well I can keep praying for you.
Although I don't like gory details, reading them is much easier than seeing them so thanks for not sharing video footage. LOL

At 10:52 PM, Blogger tonymyles said...

You watched it?

Wow, dude... total courage.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

The delay between posts is making me envision truly horrific scenes of goo, and assorted strange whistling noises emanating from the space immediately behind your eyeballs. Do tell!


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