Thursday, October 13, 2005

Loose Balls and Loose Ends

If the Angels lose the ALCS, which I doubt, then Doug Eddings will go down with Don Denkinger in baseball infamy: two umpires who loused up so badly that they changed the course of the championship.

Did Paul catch it? Yes. Should he have tagged the batter anyway? Yes.


Because Eddings threw up the right arm, he tightened the fist, he called him out. Johnny Bench would have rolled the ball back to the mound if the umpire had called the batter out. And yes, I know that Paul was in front of the ump, but Bench had eyes in the back of his head.

Batter out.

I'm not saying the Angels would have won. But they should have at least been given the chance.

I haven't been able to talk about it much. I've been truly mad...I take the Angels too seriously, I suppose. They started talking about the play in my lunch meeting and my pulse started racing. I need a day off.

As Forrest would say, "That's all I got to say about that." For now.

Come to think of it, didn't Forrest also say, "Stupid is as stupid does"? It would be nice if Eddings would admit he blew it instead of making excuses and playing the "replays were inconclusive" record. My pulse is going up again. Must...stop....

Thank you all for your prayers for our elders. Please don't stop. I love the idea of prayers going up before the 40 days have even begun.

I know that I have never weighed in on my own question concerning God sending lying spirits. I agree with bits and pieces, actually most, of what everybody else said. Granted, it's not an easy issue at all. And it really is possible to take the argument all the way back to "Who wrote these books anyway?" I certainly go there every time I analyze Job too deeply.

Of course, the bottom line is "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" God is God and I am certainly not going to question his motives. It's fascinating and makes for great discussion, but at the end of the they say in Texas: Ahab needed killin'.

There are many lessons to learn there, not the least of which is: DON'T BE AHAB! In my wildest dreams, I can't imagine God arranging for one of His beloved children to be tricked by a liar and led away from Him.

Glad that everyone is back from ZOE and back to blogging. I enjoy conversing with you all (and if you never comment, DO) and hope to meet everyone face to face someday. I can't do Pepperdine, Cecil, as it always comes at a time that I can't get away from the job, but there will be other opportunities I'm sure. Here's a thought: why don't you all skip the Nashville ZOE next time and come on out to Fresno? It's better anyway...they've worked out all the kinks.

No baseball tonight. My heart can't take it. Pray for me tomorrow. I want to beat them by about 20 runs.


At 5:50 PM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

I'm eager to see what God's going to do on Sunday.

That's all I have to say.

At 5:26 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Now thats a good point Steve concerning Zoe / West Coast / work out the kinks from try #1. My main hope for Zoe West Coast Offense this year would be a little more "meat" into the leadership part of the conference. Otherwise, I still have the lyric “there’s no God like Jehovah” still ringing in my ears from the outstanding worship we experienced.


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