Monday, October 10, 2005

Back to Normal

San Luis Obispo was beautiful. Lisa cropped all weekend and I had some time to go downtown and visit my favorite shops. I hit Phoenix first and found a few nice books. Among others, I found a nice copy of Nouwen's "Return of the Prodigal Son" and the complete works of John Donne. Don't worry, I won't bore you with more poetry. Unless I change my mind because it's good for you.

Next I went next door to Boo Boo's Records. I've found most of my CD rarities there, often used and for a great price. I found "The Princess Bride" soundtrack (bonus points if you name the composer) and a hard-to-find recording of Mahler's 5th.

That was Friday. On Saturday I really had fun. The Angels game was rained out so I spent most of the afternoon at Leon's. I love Leon's. They do a great job of actually moving books and keeping them in some semblance of order. If you know me, you know how nutty I am about having things in their place, the better to actually find them when you are looking for them. If I had a used book store, it would be Leon's. Anyway, I found hardbound copies of "Asimov on the Bible" (both testaments) and "Asimov on Shakespeare." Also I picked up a hardbound copy of "Father Joe: The Man Who Saved My Soul" in perfect shape. I've wanted this since John York recommended it at last year's ZOE Conference. I found Nouwen's "Bread For the Journey", a nice collection of Bradbury essays, another Shakespeare companion, and a few other bits and pieces. This was Lisa's treat for my upcoming birthday so I spent without too many regrets.

We went out that night and had some steak and lobster, which was really about the only time we had together the whole weekend. Lisa works very hard and was sick most of the time. But I think her clients had a good time and, in between excursions, I got to watch a great golf match and some awesome baseball. Friday's defeat of the Yankees was particularly nice.

Tonight, Lisa is back at work and the Angels play a HUGE game at 4:30. I'm not going to lie to you, I'll be very depressed if they lose. But today marks 7 years of marriage to a woman I absolutely do not deserve. Aside from being the hardest working person I know, Lisa is the kindest. She cares deeply for others. She is an incredible mom and a terrific friend. I would be absolutely lost without her, ask anyone. So if worse comes to worst and this is the last day of the Angels 2005 season, I don't have far to go to count my blessings. God has blessed me tremendously with my wife and son, my family, and my friends.

Welcome home ZOE people! Happy Anniversary, baby! (Got you on my miiiiiiiind.)


At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you very much and I'll be cheering along side of you tonight (while working). SLO was fun but next year, let's go by ourselves!!!

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Laymond said...

Brother Steve
I see where you wrote the following on LVM's blog comments about lies
"I've been reading about some of those "lying spirits" in the Old Testament lately. Some of them were sent to do the lying by God Himself. Tough to figure."
In your next blog can you tell me where to look to find where God sent spirits to lie?
Laymond E. Meredith


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