Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Thunder Road

I briefly considered "The Thunder Rolls", but I'll take Bruce over Garth any day.

Last night we had a thunderstorm. We don't get many in the central valley so if you like weather, which I do, then you have to get all the goody out of it you can. "Get all the goody out of it" is an expression my mom uses and I think it means "enjoy it as much as possible." Some day perhaps I'll do an entire blog on expressions my mom and dad forced into my quivering, helpless brain. Things like "hobnob with the hoi poloi" and "eschatological latitudinarianism."

I stood outside for about 15 minutes just watching the lightning flash in different parts of the sky. The rain would increase and diminish, over and over. Thunder followed every flash and, yes, I timed it. I was amazed, as I always am at such times, at the awesome might of our Creator. If you can't understand what it means to fear God in the face of such power, then buddy, you just think waaaay too highly of yourself.

After awhile, I went back inside and got back to work. But I smiled knowing that the same God that makes such energy arc and course across the sky is gentle enough to cradle his sheep in His hands.


At 8:49 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

You should come visit our part (central Florida) of the country, nicknamed the “Lightening Capitol of the World” if you would like to have multiple daily fixes of the power of God. It is an interesting contrast to know that the God of the Universe who knows the number (rapidly decreasing) of hairs on my head can put in to motion the forces that now bear down on the Texas Coast.

At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blogs. I enjoy the window into your mind.

It was a hard choice, but here's my favorite line:

"If you can't understand what it means to fear God in the face of such power, then buddy, you just think waaay too highly of yourself."

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Thanks for the clarification. I always thought that THUNDER ROAD was about cars.

I always loved rain in Fresno. It used to come so rarely. We had a visitor here from the Valley just a couple of years ago. He said: Hey, it rained recently in Lausanne, right? I said it had been about a week, and he said: That's recent, right?

I'm waiting with baited breath to hear which phrases your parents used on you.

At 6:38 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

When I was in 9th grade and playing on the Freshman football team, I decided one day after practice to stop by the neighborhood elementary school to join in a sand lot tackle football game. Not having a helmet (or a brain) on hampered me slightly when I tried to tackle someone using the form I had been taught, “Head” up in the numbers. Unfortunately I miscalculated the “azimuth” of the ball carrier’s chest and received a face full of knee. I quickly became the recipient of a nasty black eye that quickly swelled shut.

When I got home and displayed for my Dad the outcome of my collision, he uttered one of his favorite lines, “Boy, when you’re dumb you’ve got to be tough.” That little piece of advice has guided my life.


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