Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A New Song

The next time you are listening to one of those songs or pieces of music that make you stop and stand still and just listen, ask yourself this question: What is music going to sound like in heaven?

I believe that some of the music that we already know will make the transition. In fact, I can't imagine a heaven without Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" or the adagios from Beethoven's 7th symphony or 3rd piano concerto. And if we don't all get to gather around Jesus and sing "Amazing Love" to him, well, I'm going to feel gypped. Then of course we all know that Satan and his minions are going to spend eternity listening to "It's A Small World."

But what about the music you've never heard before? The music our ears aren't ready for? It's like trying to imagine something better than Pepsi to drink. I just can't wrap my mind around it.

There's a story in Bradbury's "Martian Chronicles" that this always makes me think of. Men arrive on Mars years after earlier expeditions have wiped out the entire race with the gift of smallpox. A settler wanders through a Martian ghost town and finds "a metal book with raised heiroglyphs over which he brushed his hand, as one might play a harp. And from the book, as his fingers stroked, a voice sang, a soft ancient voice, which told tales..." I've always wondered what that voice sounded like...what our new voices, from our new bodies, singing a new song...will sound like.

Let's find out.


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

A whole week devoted to me? Aahhh...you embarrass me.

By the way, if I'm in heaven, "It's a Small World" will also be there. :)

Love you


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