Monday, August 29, 2005

Music Week

In honor of my sister's upcoming birthday, all posts this week are devoted to music. Sandra will be...well...a year older on September 3. She is an amazing musical talent in addition to her many other talents as mother, daughter, sister, wife, friend, and minister. She handles her leadership role at the College Church with a great deal of integrity, style, and class. And for those of you who know just how challenging being a female minister in a Church of Christ can be, you know how important that "class" part is.

I owe my love of music as much to my brother as I do my sister. He's the one who had me out every afternoon, folding newspapers he would later deliver, and listening to 13 KYNO on the AM dial. Those were the days of Bill Withers, The Carpenters, and Stevie Wonder. Some of it stuck, some of it didn't. It took me awhile to appreciate Led Zeppelin, especially after I was forced to listen to "Stairway" every night before falling asleep when he and I shared a room together in beautiful Roseville, CA. But it all made an impact. And I suppose I should really include my friend, James, in the mix, as it was he who got me listening to John Williams and Jerry Goldsmith and Vangelis and Kitaro. And it was a short jump from there to Brahms and Mendelssohn...and Miles and Coletrane.

A quick scan of my iPod shows the following genres: blues, christian, classical, country, folk, jazz, metal, new age, pop, r&b, reggae, rock, soundtrack, and swing. There used to be more, but I pared down categories like alternative and punk and so on. Rock music is rock music, man. I love it all. Some more than others--there is VERY little country in there--but it's all good. Sure, there's no hip hop and no rap, but I like to limit my choices to actual music.

Like the taste of good food and the color of the late evening sky, music is one of those things God didn't have to give us. But if you ever doubt His love, listen to Schumann's first symphony...or the guitar solo from "Comfortably Numb." You'll get set straight real quick.

So what do you say? Let's honor the lovely and talented Sandra Henderson and talk music this week. What makes YOUR soul soar?


At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could we possible honor the talented Sandra Henderson with mere words? Would we not need to compose at least a minuet?

I love any group / style that has tight, blending harmonies. The genre is expansive but the vocals are solid:

Eagles, The Statler Brothers, The Oak Ridge Boys, The Beach Boys, The older Acappella stuff, and others.

At 12:08 AM, Blogger Brady said...

James Taylor, pre-1998, and maybe post 2004; Kansas; U2 pre-Zoo and post-All that you can leave behind; Peter Gabriel and Bruce's The River.

Good and long spirituals…


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