Thursday, August 11, 2005

Mental Overflow

Sometimes when I don't post on the blog for a while, it's because there isn't much going on up in the ol' noodle. Honestly, sometimes summertime makes me a vegetable and, yes, I AM saying that like it's a good thing. But sometimes, like recently, I don't post because there's too much going on up there. Some of it isn't processed yet, some of it is waiting in my mental queue, but some of it is simply unbloggable. This has been a week of great frustration for me. Usually those frustrations, especially when they are with specific people, go away all by themselves and I just wait them out. But this time they've been hanging on despite my best efforts. Thus the lack of blog.

I spent the early part of the week putting together some ideas for the fall pulpit series on Discipleship. I'm very excited about the study that went into it and the potential that is there. But the approval and the outcome are completely out of my hands. The rest of the week has been spent getting ready for Sunday's lesson on Penitence. The study here has been good also and I think it will be good for the church. Of course, I've got "The Emerging Church" and all of its wonderful suggestions banging around in my head as I prepare so I'm prayerfully trying to see what might work with this topic to make it resonate. And, oh yeah, I'm back at work next week. So in many ways I feel like this is it for a while. I can't do as much after the school year starts because there simply isn't as much time.

The above paragraph is what I would call "roundabout venting." See, I didn't mention any names or anything. But I am loaded with frustration. Pray for the College Church. There are changes that need to be made. But they must be the right ones. The status quo is not working and I know that God has plans for us. I'm not a classic "control freak" but it's terribly hard to work so hard and care so much and yet have so little say in what actually gets done. Maybe for those of you who read this who are ministers this gives you a little insight into what us lay folk feel. I'm just wrapped up in a big ol' ball of nappy frustration. So back to the Word...and the prayer closet...and, sadly, school. Ugh.


At 2:13 PM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

It's o.k. to be frustrated. Just don't let Satan distract you from what God is trying to do through you.

You are a blessing to this church.

At 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In full agreement with Sandra on this.

Frustration at the lay level might be worse. I know the times when my frustration level goes through the roof are the times, as you have described, when I'm doing a lot and have little say in the outcome.

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Frustration is understandable. People get frustrated with me all the time! When my frustration turns to irritation, then I know the corner's been turned and the direction I've chosen is a loser.

God is at work in you. He is at work in College Church. Of course, you know that. Just be assured as you plan and submit to God (and even to people who don't always get it). And come see us some time.

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

All I can say is that when we were at College COC, I was always happy to see that you were speaking or teaching our class. You were fresh air, a cup of cold water, a kick in the pants often just when I needed it. I'll pray for you and the work God is doing through you.

By the way, we're so sorry for (sniff!) your baseball loss (sob!) last night. Yeah.

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Sanra, Randy, Brady: thank you.

Wendy: thank you and bite me.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

I love you too, Steve. :)


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