Friday, August 12, 2005

Frustration of a Different Kind

The Los Angeles Angels of I CAN'T FREAKIN' CATCH coughed up another one yesterday. They lost two to the Yankees by giving up 4 run leads in the 8th. They gave one away to the A's a couple of days ago with a throwing mistake, a shortstop error, and a wild pitch. But now we are in second place because our closer got mad about a call at the plate and missed the ball being thrown back by the catcher allowing the winning run to score from 3rd. And to make matters worse, there are two HUGE A's fans in the math department who are just dying to see me when I go back to work next week. Ugh.

Meanwhile, I took the new clubs out for the last summertime golf today and played the worst I have played in years. I took a 9 on the first hole and it went downhill from there. Goodbye summer vacation. It could have ended on a better note.

Yes, summer vacation is over. The weekend doesn't count. I get weekends off anyway.

I'm starting to get excited about Sunday's service. There will be a period of silent time for prayers of apology and confession. It's always hard to know how long to let these periods last. Some people would appreciate 15 minutes of quiet prayer time. For many others, 2 minutes is too long. There will be some pictures up with scriptures to reflect on during this time, but I'm not even sure about that. Won't it distract people from the personal reflection they need to do? Or will they do it anyway, eyes closed, head bowed? We'll find out.

Sandra has a beautiful song prepared for just after the prayer time but before the invitation called "Please Forgive Me." It is the perfect follow up to the message. The Spirit is awesome. Blessings to all on your first days of the week. Feel free to say a collective "ugh" for me on Monday morning around 6:00 PST. Randy that should be around 9:00 AM for you, and for Brady should be sometime around Wednesday evening.


At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know how your Sunday goes.

You can count on an east coast ugh headed out your way!

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Actually, it will be Wednesday, but the year 2008.

To His glory on Sunday. Do well.


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