Thursday, April 07, 2005

Spartacus Revisited

Quite often in the brave new world of public education, a student's cell phone will go off during class. This almost always happens when my back is turned or I'm on the other side of the room. Then, when I turn around, there are 5 or 6 students who look at me with great sincerity and say, "That was mine," "No, that was mine," "It was really mine, Mr. Thurman."

I actually kind of admire how kids tend to stick up for each other. Nothing brings high school students together like banding against a common enemy; in this case, me.

The spiritual correlation is pretty obvious. If we stuck up for each other every time Satan went after one of us, he wouldn't have a chance. He's a shrewd little sniper, picking us off one by one. It's his only chance, really. He knows he has no hope of taking us down as a church. After all, the gates of hell can't stand against us...and let us never forget that when Jesus said that, He put us on offense.

So, two things. First of all, we need to TELL each other when we are being attacked. This requires being aware of the attack, and being willing to bring it to the attention of others. And this requires revealing our secret sins. After all, the enemy knows us and he knows our weaknesses. And secondly, we need to be willing to come together as one. We need to come together in encouragement, in comfort, in physical closeness, and above all, in prayer.

"There is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to one hope when you were called--one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is OVER all and THROUGH all and IN all."


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

Preach it brother! You should be a teacher or a preacher or're good.

Are you sure you want us to reveal our secret sins? You might want to rethink that one... ;)

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve you are so right. This week a person walks into my office - I have never met this person. They say I need you to pray for me and proceed to disgorge specific struggles and sins. The honesty and soul cleansing was astonishing and quite powerful. This person cried, I laid my hands on him and prayed for victory and deliverance. I'm not sure if I will ever see him again and that might be one reason it's easier to be broken and transparent with a complete stranger. I'm praying that he will remain free and delivered.

By the way, just the other night at PTA (like I was there! Beth went) there was a discussion about the virutes of sending a mobile phone with your kids to middle school. Let's talk about the virtues of the PTA paying for it!

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful comments. You've been kind enough to comment on my blog, here's a plug from me: keep it up.


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