Thursday, March 19, 2009

God In My iPod

The "Road Mix" in my iPod contains about 1000 songs. Less than a tenth of them are "Christian music" as my tastes run more towards Coldplay and Eric Clapton, especially while I'm driving. It's a very rare day that I don't hear at least one Clapton tune on the way to work.

A couple of days ago, just before I left the house for the day, Lisa's alarm was going off and the radio was playing "I Can Only Imagine." I love that song and I thought about queuing it up as I started the car. I decided instead to just let the mix run and set my mind on things above while it played. The first two songs were the Newsboys' version of "Blessed Be Your Name" and "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin. Then, as I headed east and the sun rose gloriously over the distant ridge of mountains, Clapton's "Sunshine of Your Love" came on. Bending the words to His purpose, God revealed the brilliant splendor of His infinite love for me...accompanied by matchless guitar riffs.

Pure Heaven.


At 7:04 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

From the days of being booted out of our Bible Camp and then God bringing us to another one among the many other things that have happened in the past few years, "Blessed Be Your Name" has been kind of a theme song for life with me.

I love worshipping to that song.

At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the MUSIC that starts and ends my day, but in between, I love being on the road at 4:30 PM, listening to 90.3, where I know a particular segment will end with the most amazing a cappella version of "Watch and Pray". I don't know if the group is "Glad" or another, but I sure wish I could find the CD that it's on and who it is singing.

( wore my Eric Clapton t-shirt yesterday...)


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