Friday, December 19, 2008

Meeting Times

Cecil was writing recently about the danger of changing the meeting time of a Sunday evening service. We take these things so seriously, don't we? His story reminded me of another one related earlier this year by my seminary professor. I may have some of the details wrong but it went more or less like this:

Tim's church had several young families and they were trying to decide whether to move the Sunday meeting time up to accommodate the young children of those families or to move it back for those who wouldn't mind meeting later in the evening. The difference of opinion actually threatened to split the church. Both sides were asked to present their arguments and then the church prayed for a week. When they met again to vote, Tim felt that they weren't ready yet and asked them to make it a point to talk to as many other church members during the week as they could. Finally it came time to make a decision...and here's the part I really remember...and really like.

Instead of voting on which meeting time they preferred, everyone was asked to write down which meeting time they felt was best for the church. The earlier time was written down unanimously. Time, patience, prayer, fellowship, and the Holy Spirit prevailed over selfishness and rushing to a decision.

I wonder how many fights could be avoided if we would take this approach.


At 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many years ago, the church decided to no longer have two services. I think it was a unanimous thing to go to ONE service. The feeling of unity was so strong after that.

At 7:02 AM, Blogger Meowmix said...

It's great when it turns out that way. As an aside, I heard of a church that nearly split over the color of new carpet.

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

What a novel approach! I think Jesus might have had a few things to say about selflessness??? He had a lot to say about everything we fuss and fight over.

At 6:02 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Can you do that, I mean, change the time for meeting?

Yes, you can. As long as it is the time I want…


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