Monday, December 01, 2008

9 Days Off

I'm not much for blogging when I'm on vacation. The week was very restful and Thanksgiving at Mom's was, as ever, tasty and enjoyable. We got to see the Powers' too, which is always a wonderful treat. We even tricked them into sleeping on our air mattress (Bwah ha hahhh).

I did break down and finally do some things around the house on Saturday and Sunday. A small project turned into something a bit larger.

The basic idea was to use the double bookcase in the computer room solely for my Bible books. That meant moving the graphic novels to the bedroom bookcase.

That meant moving some of the books in back to the bookcase in the front room.

That meant moving Lisa's photo albums to the shelves in the entertainment center.

That meant moving the CD's off of those shelves.

That meant cleaning up the mess of VHS tapes and CD's that had collected on the DVD/CD tower and on top of the CD player. While I was at it, I moved all of the CD's in the entertainment center cabinets, transferred the movie DVD's to their place, gave James his own area for his movies, and reorganized all the TV DVD's back in the tower.

That meant finding a place for all the CD's in storage. That meant cleaning out the closet in the computer room. That meant finding a place for all that stuff. That meant throwing out some things, giving some other things to The Salvation Army, and doing some rearranging of other things.

My back hurts. And the books still aren't where they belong. When all is said and done, I worked for two days to clear off one shelf of one bookshelf. But I'm closer now than I was then. And glad to be back at work so I can rest up a bit.

I missed all you blog buddies. I look forward to catching up a bit. And taking some Advil.


At 1:52 PM, Blogger Brady said...

You should have just built bigger barns?

I'm one to talk, when it comes to books.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

I've had just the other end of that process in that I had to get rid of about 1500 books when we moved from Long Beach. When I started going through the 30+ boxes of books I kept, I got rid of another 200 or so! Now I'm in the process of going through boxes of tools ... what to keep and what to ... I can't even bring myself to say it!!

At 11:52 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Seems like one of my friends (Greg?) coined the phrase, "This will only take a couple of hours."

Glad you're back Bro and while you're at it, take care of the back.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Josh Stump said...

Why do we keep all those books? Do we really think we will read them again? Are they simply trophies of some kind? I do it too, but why?

Now that I'm back from my jury trial, I should be able to reconnect with the blogging world.

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that when I see Brady's pic, he looks like he's just emerged from the Carribbean in his wet suit? Just a thought...

And no, W and R using the electric pump to refill the "aerobed" at least once a night did NOT wake me up! Thanks Steve! Again they would NOT take my bed...I tried to give it to them.

Steve, I have been in the middle of what you are going through for quite too long now. And that "ripple-down" effect of one project is amazingly similar! Let' put it this way - my desire to turn my spare bedroom into a functional "office" had to begin with the kitchen...and getting a china cabinet and sideboard! Now I need to move the bookcase, thin out books to put in the "office', put the CD case where the bookcase is, re-arrange the living room furniture, return CD's to proper place, move computer desk to "office"...get a new computer (Thanks, Rick!)...put credenza by CD case...and get more baskets for all my necessary junk for the shelving/book cases yet to be purchased for the "office". It's mind-boggling!! And complete refinishing of W's old spindle twin bed frame, and my desk I used in HS...oodles of sanding and such. The garage is getting full.


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