Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rough Start

The three days of meetings with which we begin every school year is never my favorite time. But this year, those days were greatly preferable to the first day of school.

I'm not sure which I missed most: the air conditioning or my student rosters.

Three days into the school year, I still don't have a list of my students' names. The air conditioner is working though, and my classroom is a frigid 68 degrees. Our grading program is not available yet, so we are entering data and taking roll by hand. Old school. We are told that we will have access to textbooks within the next few weeks. That will be nice. At least one of the three copiers is functioning. Long lines but, hey, bring a book. Over the summer, they confiscated my laptop and installed Office 2007. So far I'm not a fan. But at least my laptop is working (most of the time). Many of the others that went through the "installation" have completely failed.

I wonder if they knew we were coming back....


At 7:28 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Lots to be said for free air conditioning. Even if nothing else is going well. Can I come sit in your class and soak up some of that 68* air?

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

Where our daughter-in-law teaches, the school does not have enough funding for required student necessities, so the teachers (underpaid already) furnish the items out of their own money. She spent well over $100 they don't have to spend on other people's kids, but the teachers are not allowed to ask the parents to provide the items.

At 7:35 PM, Blogger The Weaver's said...

I prefer to spell old school, old skool. Fo-shizzle by jedi-izzle.

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't EVEN want to say what the "bean-counters" where I work have done to you have a feeling that major decisions, which impact how one does ones job, are being made by people who have NO IDEA what your job is or what is needed to DO that job?

It's ALL about the "bottom line".


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