Thursday, February 16, 2006


"You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give." --Churchill

The Angels signed Fresno State alum, Jeff Weaver, to a one-year contract yesterday. I was expecting this and am working on being okay with it. Weaver has never blown me away as a pitcher, at least not since I saw him at Beiden Field all those times. I think he was signed as much to make brother Jared as happy as anything. But I've decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was promising with Detroit, horrible in New York, and mediocre with the Dodgers. But then, doesn't 14 wins with the Dodgers translate into 18 with the Angels? Maybe it will work out. After an off-season in which every team in the division made strides except us, we need all the help we can get.

Marion: "He said you were a bum."
Indy: "Always being generous."

I haven't seen "Firewall" yet, thus running my total of consecutive unseen Harrison Ford movies to three. Has anybody seen it? Should I go? Honestly, the most exciting thing about the movie is that it has my hero giving interviews (and doing inexplicable Dr. Seuss readings). He says that Indy IV is impending. Not that I'm not looking forward to it, but has anybody noticed that our favorite archeologist adventurer is 63? That's older than Connery was when they shot the last movie!

"Generosity without orthodoxy is nothing, but orthodoxy without generosity is worse than nothing." --Hans Frei

I'll stop bothering everybody with McLaren excerpts now. But I have a feeling that "A Generous Orthodoxy" is one of those books that will come out every few years or so. The author defends his positions well and, while you may not agree with him down the line, you have to appreciate his sincerity and passion for each. And his point is well taken that MOST of the divisions in Christianity happened for a reason and it is the reasons, not the divisions, that must be examined. The greatest of ideas get diluted after awhile and if we are to find unity from our current post-modern, emergent, seeker-sensitive, call-it-what-you-will movement we must find ways to keep history from repeating itself.

I would suggest heavy doses of prayer.

“I can remember way back when a liberal was generous with his own money.” --Will Rogers

BIG thanks to Greg for the Rick Atchley CD's, "Pulse of a Healthy Church." I am only through the first lecture and have much to chew on. You all continue to bless and enrich me with your thoughts, prayers, gifts, and conversation. Thank you.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Opposing teams always make more moves for improvement than the home team. And the home team often spends too much on the wrong players.

I'm looking forward to catching a game this summer, even if it's just the Grizzlies.

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The review I heard described "Firewall" as "Air Force One" on land.

Loved the selected quotes tastefully inserted throughout your comments today.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Sounds like Jeff needs to start flapping his wings. "Angels in the Outfield" used to be one of my "young" son's favorite movies. I might have to start flapping my own wings. Steven (aka "S. Walk") informed me last night that he might be PITCHING Saturday. When your son pitches, that brings on a whole new set of stresses for the parents.

Glad to hear that you're listening to some Rick Atchley stuff. For the last few years at Jerrry's (aka Pepperdine Bible Lectures) Show, Rick's classes have been the best and most useful of the ones I've attended.

I'm sure Greg and Randy would concur if Rick would hold his classes after 12.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Keith Davis said...

Have seen the movie Steve. It is awesome. I love anything with Harrison Ford in it though. Good action, good story, and a surprise or two. I give it two hvlsnzs!


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