Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Location, location, location

God's use of location on this earth interests me. I just learned that two very similar things happened in the seaport of Joppa. That's where Jonah got the call from God to take His message to the godless Ninevites. It's also where Peter was when he saw the vision of unclean animals that was God's call for him to take his message to the godless Gentiles. Is there significance? Why would God place both of his prophets in the same location (and who knows just how close those locations were) and give them both the same message. "Everyone is saved," says God. "Go tell them." It makes me think of that hilltop in Jerusalem...the place where Abraham took his precious son to sacrifice him...the place where the temple was built by God's chosen kings and God "lived" for so many years...the place that His own beloved son was sacrificed for us all while we were still sinners. What's in a location?

Pitchers and catchers reported today. And it's raining cats and dogs outside. Hard to get in the baseball spirit but it's close. So very close. The hockey season is thiiiis close to being cancelled. Football is over. Basketball is so full of thugs that even the fans are barely paying attention. It's almost time for, as Peter Gammons called it, the post-steroids era to begin. I pray it's true.

Lisa was sick for Valentine's Day. We ended up ordering out and sitting and watching some of her favorite shows together last night. I know she thinks I didn't enjoy it, but I really did. Just spending time with her is still great. It was also, I have to admit, nice not to be the one who was sick for a change. It's been a tough school year.


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