Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Had An Idea

Sure, okay, I still should write about the Ireland trip in this space. And maybe I'm just trying to revive the blog in the spirit of new year's resolutions. But I had this idea today that might just work.

Next month I am going to start teaching a class on the Gospel of Mark. It's going to be very informal, taught right out of my living room. There will be friends and neighbors, colleagues and fellow seminary students, long-time Christians and some people who are just curious. Truth is, I have no idea who all will be there. I only know that if one person shows up, we are going to search the Word together. I'm excited. I need to teach.

Some people will come every week. Some will come every now and then. Some will probably only come once. Some will be there solely for the discussion of the evening and others want homework so they can search deeper during the week. And some might want a forum to continue the conversation in between classes. To that end, I'm going to open this blog as a place where we can journey through the Gospel of Mark together. I will post some personal insights, but I will be more interested in the insights of others. It will be a conversational favorite kind. All are welcome.

Your first assignment: set aside an hour and a half or so during the holidays to sit and read through the entire Gospel at once. We'll chat about how that went.

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