Monday, June 01, 2009

Is This The End?

The time I took off from blogging has taken its toll. I'm finding it extremely hard to get back in the habit. To be honest, Facebook is doing a far better job of keeping me connected and allowing me to share bits and pieces of my life. I also just spent an entire semester writing more than I have ever done in such a concentrated amount of time.

Another truth is that I'm going through quite a valley right now and I don't like sharing those. They bring everybody down and inspire a lot of "hang in there's." And while I appreciate "hang in there's," I don't really like "hang in there's."

I don't believe for a second that the constant succession of things that have knocked me around recently are coincidence. I am both enjoying and doing very well in seminary. I'm starting to get a glimpse of what serving God as a teacher of His Word will be like and I am beyond excited about it. So, sure, the enemy would like to put the kibosh on that. But I've tried to stand in the gap for a large number of people in crisis, all the while sick and a bit "crisised" on my own.

Thing is, my faith is only stronger. My resolve is only deeper. So I know that very good things will come of all this.

I'm sorry for those few of you who waste time clicking over here. I haven't decided if I'll try harder to get it going again. But if I do, I'll try to let you know. For now, to quote a cliche I'm growing to hate, it is what it is.


At 7:17 AM, Blogger Meowmix said...

Been there a little myself lately and I understand. Blogging isn't about being positive all the time, but I kind of hate to have NOTHING positive to say and every blog is the sharing of problems. I've never seen that in you, though, and appreciate all of your blogs. I encourage you to take a break and try to come back. I'd hate to see you stop altogether, but you know what you want to do and what you need to do, and you have my support.

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Brady said...

It is no waste of time. I am just not ready for facebook.

As for standing in the gap, I am wondering what you mean.

Much love from this side.

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Somehow my comment got edited. But I don't remember how it started.


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