Friday, April 03, 2009

Because It's That Time of Year

Each year I have a group of friends that predicts the winners for each baseball division. I like to have my own predictions on record somewhere so I use the blog. I completely understand if you non-baseball type click away.


West: Angels (duh)
Central: Twins (although a Tigers upset wouldn't shock me)
East: Rays
Wild Card: Yankees

Pennant: Angels


West: Dodgers
Central: Cubs
East: Phillies
Wild Card: Mets

Pennant: Phillies

World Champion: ANGELS!

Why not? I can pick at least a little bit with my heart, can't I? Of course I know that doing so has doomed my team to utter failure and humiliation. But once we get our whole rotation back in May, I think we'll cruise to the playoffs. And since the Red Sox won't see the postseason for a change, they won't be there to thwart us.

Opening Day is upon us. Play ball!


At 9:22 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Who would have thought there would be a time that the Rays would be considered favorites for anything?
I hear Ray's Manager Joe Madden is on the short list for the Yankees if Girardi fails this year.

According to the WV, I just performed a "sooplet."

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

I'll just be clicking away ... this is all Greek to me. When do the Cowboys start playing again? LOL

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Brady said...

The good thing about baseball is that there are many surprises. Most of them bad ones if you are a Giants' fan.

At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got your World Series in 20002! Enough all ready!! Move on and get over it!!! Otherwise you might find your D.V.D of the highlights smashed by a Giant screwdriver!!!!!! Ha! Ha!

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous timeless said...

HUH? The Angels WON 180 centuries from now? That's real "time travel"!!

All I'm looking forward to is the Stanley Cup!! But, I will be watching the Angels' stats. Just for you, Steve.

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Meowmix said...

For your sake, I hope your predictions come true. (In my neck of the woods, we've had a few weeks of disquieting basketball, with the loss in the Sweet 16 and then the loss of our coach!)


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