Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday Highlights

TUESDAY: The ship anchored outside of Cabo San Lucas and we took a tender boat to shore. I was a little nervous about the zip-lining excursion. I don't have a bad fear of heights, but I don't consciously seek them out either. A van drove us for about an hour and fifteen minutes up to base camp where we were fitted with harnesses and helmets. Then the adventure began.

We went across seven different zip-lines of distances up to almost 500 feet. They stretched more than 100 feet high over a dry rocky riverbed. We crossed a single-rope bridge, climbed up rock faces, and even rappelled about 80 feet down. We weren't allowed to take pictures (they wanted you to buy their's for 12 bucks each) so you'll just have to take my word for it that we did all this. There was a lot of hiking and we were pretty sore and tired when we got back. But it was easily the highlight for Tuesday.

Moral of the day: When the guide tells you to brake...brake.


At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tried to get to Cabo a long while ago...but not on a boat. Try doing that in a rented VW that was held together with baling wire! It's a funny story...will have to e-mail you about that!

Don't know what that (something) lining is.


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