Thursday, May 08, 2008

Memo to Jason Castro


If you're going to forget any words from "Mr. Tambourine Man," are they really going to be "jingle jangle morning???" I mean, "jingle jangle morning" is the very heart of the song!

I felt bad for you, dude. Not bad in a "I was really rooting for you" sort of way, but bad in a "Wow, that really made me cringe" sort of way. And it was amazing that the song you forgot the lyrics on was actually your best performance of the night. That dreadlock-swinging, goofy-smile, just-plain-odd rendition of "I Shot the Sheriff" was horrific. I'll give you credit here for the best line of the night when you admitted that somebody summed up your evening by saying that you shot the tambourine man. Funny stuff.

(Mini-memo to Simon Cowell: You usually get it right, but I have to take issue with your proclamation that you "don't mess with the arrangement to 'I Shot the Sheriff'." Eric Clapton messed with it a lot and it almost single-handedly cemented his status as a solo act. I'm not saying I like his's my least-favorite Clapton song...but it was huge.)

Jason, you seem like a nice guy and all, but we could tell that you wanted to go home. So enjoy your time with the fam before you hit the road and give us all a little "Hallelujah" on tour.

And, by the way, THIS is how "Mr. Tambourine Man" is supposed to sound.


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Yes, I am leaving my own first comment. There's no blogrule against that, is there?

If you listened to only part of the Shatneriffic version of "Tambourine Man" and clicked away before the awesome finish, you owe it to yourself, to the world at large really, to go back and try again. After all, it's only two minutes and fifty-one seconds of your life. And you'll never know true rapture if you don't let the Shat-man finish.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

I was watching to Math Bro. If there's ever been a "choke" on AI, it was Jason last night.

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Yudhi Gejali, dr. said...

Hallo, my name is Yudhi..
I love to visit your blog...
Hope we can linking

At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watched the entire Shatneriffic thing...hilarious. Amazing how he keeps reinventing himself.

Seems you've gone "international".

Are you going to blog in Maui??

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Brady said...

Why isn't Shattner on iTunes. That was amazing!

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

I saw Jason on an interview last night and he said he'd been ready to go home for several weeks. As for the way that song should be sung ... I could only make it through about a minute of it. So bad / so funny!

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

I've been looking for Castro to leave for weeks now. His creepy smile ... well, it creeps me out. Bleech!

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I clicked away, came back and read your comment and decided to press on and listen through it.


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