Monday, May 05, 2008

By the Hammer of Thor!

Iron Man rocked!

Aside from being well-written, well-acted, and chock full of stuff blowing up, Marvel's first self-produced venture threw a lot of fun stuff at those of us who grew up going to 7-11 every Tuesday and raiding the comic rack for all the new arrivals.

There was (of course) the extended trailer for Indy getting things off to a great start.

There was the succession of armor prototypes, just like Iron Man comics changed through the decades.

There was the "Iron Man Animated Series" ringtone on Rhodey's phone. (Old as I am, I may have been the only guy in the theater who caught that one.)

There was the "Iron Monger" reference.

There was the way Rhodey eyed the spare armor and dropped the "Next time, baby" line on us.

And then there was SHIELD...which stood for Supreme Headquarters International Espionage and Law-enforcement Division when I was a kid, and now stands for something so convoluted that the movie made a real joke out of it.

SHIELD is an enormous part of the Marvel Universe and it's about to become just as important to the Marvel movie franchises. If you haven't seen the movie yet, then you need to stay for the small scene after the credits. You'll have an idea of what I'm talking about.

And now the announcement has come that "Iron Man II" and "Thor" will hit theaters in 2010 and "Captain America" and...(yessss!)..."The Avengers" will follow in 2011. So, for all of you who heard me promise that I would finally grow up after Indy came out, I've changed my mind. I think I'll stay a kid a while longer.


At 8:26 AM, Blogger Stoogelover said...

You came along with Marvel Comics long after I, so I'm not so familiar with some of the ones of your generation. We had sacks filled with Superman, Batman, and Elongated Man (if that was his name) that would probably bring a lot of money these days had we kept them.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Elongated Man?

So, is the film kid friendly (as in for my boy)?

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Elongated Man...Ralph Dibney...super detective whose nose twitched when there was a mystery to be solved. Yeah, good stuff.

Sorry, Randy. You're gonna have to leave the boy at home for this one. Way too violent. And Tony Stark was quite the ladie's man.

That's not to say, of course, that there weren't LOTS of little kids at our 7:30 showing. Which ended at 10:00. Go figure.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

I'm a child of the 7/11's comic book racks. Son saw Iron Man and loved it. I'll be seeing it soon myself.

At 10:32 PM, Blogger Mayor of Blakersfield said...

Yeah, I liked it too. I missed the ring tone, but then again I'm not 40. Ha!

I did stay after the credits and that was great too.

Did you know that Iron man/Tony Stark will be in the new Hulk movie a cameo. The Marvel universe is finally coming together.

The previews were great too. I really can't wait for "The Dark Knight". That should be great too.

I thought the "Iron Monger" was not just reference, but in it too.

At 2:02 AM, Blogger Brady said...

Glad you enjoyed it. It's good to be in touch with the children sideā€¦ Always discovering, always surprised. And always wanting things to blow up.


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