Thursday, October 19, 2006

Pain Free

Two very cool things happened yesterday.

During 5th period I realized that I was smelling something. It wasn't anything great...hand lotion or some such...but I was smelling it. I haven't smelled anything for the better part of a year. Now, mind you, there are times as a high school teacher that this is an absolute blessing. But for the most part I miss smelling things. Things like...

Baking bread
Freshly cut grass
James (post-bath)
The inside of a new book

And so on.

Lisa has an amazing sniffer. If someone lights a cigarette anywhere within a 3-mile radius, she starts complaining. You think I'm exaggerating but it's really uncanny. My sister's nose works like that too. I think they were both bitten by radioactive dogs or something.

The second thing that happened yesterday was that my doctor gave me some pain medication and, for the first time in about four months, my head stopped hurting. You have no idea how nice that is unless you've lived with chronic pain. I'm more functional today than I have been in a long time. Probably easier to be around too.

The doctors seem to act as though I have about the most diseased head they've ever seen. Who knows? Maybe I do. They want to get me to an ENT doctor as soon as possible and there is probably surgery in the future. But that's all fine if it means the pressure in my head will go away. I know I've been blessed by prayers and encouragement and good advice. I want to thank you all for keeping me in mind. It's very nice not to hurt.


At 12:28 PM, Blogger cwinwc said...

That is great news my math brother! And you’re right about one of the few upsides of not being able to smell. Especially when the little darlings come to your class from middle school P.E. – yummy!

My wife is a sniffer “par-excellence” as well. I hate when she says as we’re driving down the road, “Honey, this car smells like it’s running hot.” All you can say is “rut-row” and head for the nearest mechanic.

Hey, what about the smell of the old “dittos” after they came off the ditto machine? Glad you’re pain-free.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Wendy Power said...

I'm glad you are on the mend! Does food taste better right now? I know you'd rather not be awarded first place for most intriguing nose aliens, but at least the docs are interested enough to help you out.

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Josh Stump said...

Yikes, it sounds like you've had a hard go lately. Very sorry. Glad to hear you are getting some relief.

My wife believes that everything smells like cat pee. At least once a day we will enter a room/car/neighborhood/etc. together and she will inquire, "Do you smell cat pee?"

She could be a publishable case study for your ENT

At 4:52 AM, Blogger Brady said...

You just proved that, with the right frame of mind, we can even be thankful for plain-ole normal. Glad you're getting on much better. I eat some popcorn in your honor.

At 5:20 AM, Blogger cwinwc said...

Well "smelled," I mean, well said Greg.

Apparently the "WV" agrees as well:


At 9:27 AM, Blogger twinmommy said...

I can definitely attest to the benefits of not smelling when you teach adolescents; however I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend. Definitely have to agree with the post-bath baby smell; there's nothing quite like it. Glad you can enjoy that again.

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention the scent of a new about OLD books? The smell of a long-established library always sends me heavenward. A few days ago, I wanted to check the wording of one of my favorite poems by WH Auden and finally found my high school poetry book on a high shelf. When I opened it, the scent of the old, yellowed pages was intoxicating, and as I brought the book to my face, I was taken back to a sweeter time. (The book is so old that there were several poets listed - Frost, Sandburg - as still being alive!)
The return of your sense of smell is remarkable! (The scent of newly-mown alfalfa is one of my favorites.) Maybe this is God's way of telling you that "normal" is just around the corner! It was a "sign".
Ah...pages fresh off the ditto machine...another amazing scent!


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